MBC’s Fall Launch begins on September 8th worship service with the kickoff of the next sermon series! Adult Education, MBC Kids, and Teens are back to their regularly scheduled days and times.
Launch Dates:
Sat. Sept., 7: Women’s Fall Launch, 9am
Sun. Sept., 8: Adult Education, 9am
Sun. Sept., 8: New Series – Revelation, 9am & 10:45am
Tues. Sept., 10: Women’s Tuesdays, 9:45am & 7pm
Wed. Sept., 11: Women’s Wednesdays, 7pm
Sun. Sept,. 15: MBC Kids Sundays, 9am & 10:45
Sun. Sept., 15: Teens Sundays, 9am
Wed. Sept., 18: Teens Wednesdays, 7pm
Wed. Sept., 25: Awana Wednesdays, 5:30pm
Other Fall Events:
Sun. Oct., 6: Underground Sessions “Eschatology”
Fri. Oct., 18: Senior Luncheon, 12pm
Wed. Oct., 23: Membership Class
Sat. Oct., 26: 2024 Trunk-or-Treat
Nov. 8-10: Youth Fall Retreat
Sun. Nov., 17: OCC Collection Date
Sun. Nov., 24: Vision Sunday