9am & 10:45am, Newborn – toddlers up to age 3. Our nursery is located in the lower level of the main church building.
9am & 10:45am, Ages 3-4. Located in the Education building (the building to the left of the main church building, use the door with the ramp).
9am, Kindergarten – 6th graders. Elementary school aged students’ class located in the Education building, (the building to the left of the main church building, use the door with the ramp). Children enjoy Bible stories and activities in a safe and fun atmosphere.
10:45am, Junior Church – Preschool through 4th grade. Elementary age kids attend the worship service with their parents until they are dismissed after the songs. Then they meet the teachers in the Sanctuary foyer and walk over to the Education building to enjoy an interactive Bible lesson and fun activities. Child pick-up is in the Education building.
10:45am, 56ers Pack – 5th & 6th graders, 2nd & 4th Sundays. The 56ers Pack is a special class featuring interactive games, video-based applicable Bible lessons, and…popcorn! Pick-up is in the Education building, or parents may give permission for students to leave this class on their own. On the first, third, and fifth Sundays, students may sit with their parents in the Sanctuary during service.