During the fall of 1850 and the spring of 1851 the church at Mt. Bethel, under the pastoral care of the Rev. E. C. Ambler, was blessed with the most extensive revival ever known in this area. A general spiritual reawakening swept the entire countryside. Whole families were brought to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and it was to accommodate these people in the Liberty Corner-Millington area that the desire to start an independent church was born. Some of the members of the Mt. Bethel Church met at the Pleasant Valley School (located near the present Veterans Administration property) on May 2, 1851. At that time it was decided to organize a new Baptist Church. On May 4th, the Mt. Bethel Church gave a letter of dismissal to 80 of its members to form a new church. On May 20th, the new church was organized and adopted Articles of Faith (New Hampshire Confession) and a Church Covenant. On May 21st, the Council of Recognition met with representatives of Baptist Churches from the area of New Brunswick to Morristown. On May 24th, the members adopted “Rules of Order” and “Articles of Discipline”.
After consideration of several sites, it was decided to erect a House of Worship “at the Junction of the new road”. Until the completion of the new church edifice on September 29, 1852, meetings were held in the Pleasant Valley School House.
After several expansion programs over the years it was decided that a new sanctuary must be built. On March 3, 1974, a new building was dedicated to the glory of God.
In the late 1990s, a strategic focus was placed on the ministry to reach the next generation, eventually this was called “Liquid.” By the year 2007, the ministry had grown so exponentially, that MBC sent out many of its members and one of its pastors to officially plant Liquid Church, still a thriving ministry throughout many parts of NJ today.
During this same time the MBC missions program expanded and began a strategic partnership in Senegal. In 2011, another exciting construction project, the Youth and Family ministries building was completed and in 2015-16, the education building and the sanctuary underwent renovations.
Since its original eighty members in 1851, Millington Baptist Church has remained faithful to the call to preach the gospel and to make disciples. We have remained a constant presence in our community; and we have enjoyed God work through strategic missionary partnerships across the globe.
The focus of our history is not about the successes of any particular church or individual. Rather, it is about the triumph of the one true God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who is building His church. On the great, wide stage of the drama of human redemption, MBC has been privileged to play a small role.
May the Lord of all history continue to find us faithful to His call and use us for His purposes in the future. Millington Baptist Church was founded by God fearing people, and through the years the proclamation of the Gospel has been carried on by their successors. “And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He who has the Son has life.” I John 5:11-12 (NIV).