What are the Underground Sessions?
Check out our Previous Sessions Below.
Everyone can benefit from an evening at the Underground.
Courageous Conversations:
Intersection of faith, culture & politics.
Underground Sessions is a live forum we hold several times a year where we discuss challenging and relevant issues in our world today. We do this with a spirit of grace and compassion while maintaining biblical faithfulness. In the past we covered topics from addiction and the opioid crisis to suicide awareness, from pornography and the sanctity of human life to issues of race and sexual and gender identity. We always have food, a live band and a presentation followed by audience participation and interaction.
The event is held in the lower level room of our Youth and Family Ministry Building. Childcare is typically provided up through 4th grade.
Stay tuned to find out when our next Underground will be taking place.
In the mean time check out our Previous Sessions Below and our Underground Sessions Podcast.
Follow our Underground Sessions Podcast:
Join the conversation! Subscribe to the Underground Sessions podcast and be part of a community that seeks understanding, compassion, and biblical faithfulness in every topic we explore.
Explore our past sessions and stay tuned for upcoming live forums. Subscribe to our podcast to ensure you never miss a thought-provoking episode filled with grace and wisdom.
You can also follow our Podcast on Google, Apple, or Iheart Radio.

Introducing our new Podcast that focuses on conversations at the intersection of faith, culture and politics. Come to the underground with us and step into the tension as we
discuss various topics in the form of pastoral commentary and culturally relevant interviews featuring guest professionals specializing within the topic of discussion. The Underground is not a place where everyone agrees. But a space where respectful dialog can happen, difficult topics addressed, and ultimately where Christ is exalted.
PREVIOUS Underground - October 6, 2024
Heads up, foodies! Dinner will be served at 5pm. Sign up for the dinner for $5 when you register for the event. Come hungry!
Registration now!
End Times Roundtable: A Balanced Discussion on Revelation and Millennial Views
How will the world end? Where is history moving? Are we close to the return of Christ? These are questions that Christians and Non-Christians alike have posed throughout the centuries. Christians, in particular, have wide ranging views about the nature and events of the “end times.” As such, the apocalyptic book of Revelation has garnered attention and fascination from skeptics and believers wanting to know if it provides a roadmap for the future. Or … does it offer a window to the minds of first century Christians? With the current geo-political tensions, people are asking these questions again. This Underground Sessions will seek to provide the various views held by Christians through the millennia about be these issues.
Rev David Hentschel Pastor Dave has been blessed to serve as the Lead Pastor of Preaching, Spiritual Formation and Care at Millington Baptist Church in Basking Ridge, NJ. Prior to this ministry assignment, he has enjoyed pastoring in other churches in New Jersey and Texas for the past 20 years. His background in public speaking and business helps tremendously with leadership and strategic planning and he is thrilled to have the opportunity to pastor and teach the scriptures in the local church setting. Pastor Dave holds an A.B.S. and a B.S. in Biblical Studies from Cairn University and a Th.M. in Bible Exposition and Pastoral Ministries from Dallas Theological Seminary. He is married to his wife Juli, and they enjoy three wonderful daughters and one awesome son in law. Some of his favorite activities include reading, spending time with his family and playing basketball.
Rev David Hentschel Pastor Dave has been blessed to serve as the Lead Pastor of Preaching, Spiritual Formation and Care at Millington Baptist Church in Basking Ridge, NJ. Prior to this ministry assignment, he has enjoyed pastoring in other churches in New Jersey and Texas for the past 20 years. His background in public speaking and business helps tremendously with leadership and strategic planning and he is thrilled to have the opportunity to pastor and teach the scriptures in the local church setting. Pastor Dave holds an A.B.S. and a B.S. in Biblical Studies from Cairn University and a Th.M. in Bible Exposition and Pastoral Ministries from Dallas Theological Seminary. He is married to his wife Juli, and they enjoy three wonderful daughters and one awesome son in law. Some of his favorite activities include reading, spending time with his family and playing basketball.
Alfonse Javed
(Dispensational Pre-Millenial)
Dr. Alfonse Javed is the Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church in Metuchen, NJ. He is the founder of RAM Foundation, an organization dedicated to serving religious minorities in the Muslim world, and the Executive Director for Heart for Muslims, which equips believers to reach their Muslim neighbors for Christ. He holds three doctoral degrees, three masters degrees, and three bachelors degrees in various subjects both secular and spiritual. He is also a member of the graduate online faculty of Liberty University. He lives in Metuchen with his wife and four children.
Rev. Bob Erbig
(Historic Pre-Millenial)
Bob is the Lead Pastor for Preaching, Family Life and Mission at Millington Baptist Church in Basking Ridge, NJ and has 20+ years of experience in youth and family ministry, apologetics and executive leadership. He received his Master of Divinity Degree from Denver Seminary (Littleton, CO), where he studied under Dr. Craig Blomberg and Dr. Doug Groothuis. Additionally, he completed a Fellowship through the Colson Center for Christian Worldview and is a Level 1 Certified Biblical Counselor through the Association of Biblical Counselors. His ministry and research interests include apologetics, worldview, culture and ethics as he provides directional leadership for the Underground Sessions ministry at MBC.
He has particular interests in theology of suffering, medical ethics and personal eschatology (redeemed bodies) because of his experience with his special needs son.
Bob loves to read, preach, and see people’s lives transformed for God’s glory. He has been married to his beautiful bride, Amanda, for 10+ years. They are blessed with three precious children: Jenna, Josiah, and Zoe who are the joy of their lives.
Jarrell Legagneur
Jarrell is a student of theology with a deep love for studying scripture and exploring the riches of knowing God. Although not formally ordained or seminary-trained, Jarrell has spent years immersing himself in theological studies and has continued his Christian education at Pillar College. More recently, he has developed an interest in eschatology. Growing up in a wide range of denominational backgrounds, Jarrell has learned the importance of graciously navigating theological differences, recognizing that this grace has been key to the flourishing of God’s people throughout history. With a professional background in sales and marketing, Jarrell is currently studying to become a financial advisor.
Rob Barker
Rob is an ordained Teaching Elder in the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA). He studied theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Glenside, PA and received his Master of Divinity degree. He furthered his theological education at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary where he earned a ThM/PhD degree. His dissertation focused on the Apologetics in Ecclesiastes. Rob lives outside Philadelphia with his wife and three boys.
PREVIOUS Underground
Heads up, foodies! Dinner will be served at 5pm. Come hungry!
Ready to dive into a deeper understanding of sexuality in light of God's grand story?
Join us at Millington Baptist Church for an enlightening Underground Session featuring guest speaker Dr. Christopher Yuan. We are excited to explore the compelling topic of “Holy Sexuality and the Gospel” through the lens of Dr. Yuan’s insightful work. Drawing inspiration from his book, Dr. Yuan delves into the concept of holy sexuality, examining the practical aspects of chastity in singleness and faithfulness in marriage. This event promises a practical and relevant exploration of a robust theology of sexuality, offering attendees a deeper understanding within the framework of God’s grand story.
Whether you’re seeking guidance on how to share Christ with a loved one navigating their identity or grappling with your own questions, Dr. Christopher Yuan’s perspective is sure to provide valuable insights. Discover that holy sexuality is not only aligned with the Gospel but is also good news for everyone. Join us for an evening of wisdom, compassion, and a profound exploration of this important aspect of our faith journey.
Dr. Christopher Yuan graduated from Moody Bible Institute in 2005 and received a master’s in biblical exegesis in 2007 and a doctorate of ministry in 2014. Christopher taught the Bible at Moody Bible Institute for twelve years and his speaking ministry on faith and sexuality has reached five continents. He speaks at conferences, on college campuses, and in churches. Dr. Yuan has co-authored with his mother their memoir, Out of a Far Country: A Gay Son’s Journey to God, A Broken Mother’s Search for Hope, which has sold over 100,000 copies and is now in eight languages. Dr. Yuan’s newest book, Holy Sexuality and the Gospel: Sex, Desire, and Relationships Shaped by God’s Grand Story, was named 2020 Book of the Year for Social Issues by Outreach Magazine.
Previous Underground — November 4, 2023
Join us on November 4th from 6:30-8:30pm as we discuss this topic over a meal.
Over the last year the conversation about Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) has exploded on the scene. Hardly a day passes with us seeing a heading about ChatGPT or some company investing in A.I. research. Whole fields are being transformed. What once was relegated to sci-fi movies has not become part of everyday conversations. The advances in this technology are primed to transform many sectors of everyday life: art, education, social media, internet search engines, transportation, the economy, banking, and so much more. Are we ready? As Christians, have we thought about all the implications … theologically? This event will feature an interactive presentation, as well as an engaging panel discussion on the topic related to everyday life. We’ll also ask the big questions, such as,
“What does it mean to be human? How will relationships change? What is the nature of reality? And … what would Jesus think about all this?”
Eric has a background in design and computer science making a career combining the two. He works in 3-D design, interactive motion design, virtual reality, augmented reality, holographic displays, projection mapping and A.I. As the Director of Creative Technology at Havas NY, he launched projects for IBM, Volvo, Jaguar, Dos Equis, Johnny Walker, New York Life, Merck, Exxon, and more. As the founding partner of By and Large LLC, his company helped IBM launch Watson Advertising, an interactive tool which brands would incorporate to help their customers interface with the famous A.I., Watson.
Paul has been working at Bell Labs (Nokia) since 1978. He is a Research Director and a Bell Labs Fellow. His team was awarded an Emmy for their pioneering work in HDTV. Paul has recently have been working in video analytics, AI, and robots and drones. Much of his work centers around how technology can make a positive impact on humanity.
Previous Underground — January 28, 2023
Have you ever asked big questions about life but never received adequate answers? Meaning, suffering, faith, identity—we all wrestle to some extent. The Christian faith offers good answers to our questions, but we don’t always talk to the right people. On January 28th at 6:30pm. Millington Baptist Church is hosting our next Underground Sessions event: “Answering the Toughest Questions.” If you are someone who has difficult questions about life and faith, but you haven’t gotten good answers—this event is for you! Join us for light refreshments, live music, group discussion and an expert panel who will receive and answer your questions!
Previous Underground — November 9
Our next Underground — April 2
This is a limited in-person event, Livestream will also be available. Register soon to secure your spot
Children. They are the most vulnerable among us and also the future of society. Many parents claim, “they would do anything for their child.” But what does that look like? What do children need to thrive? What does it mean to elevate the rights of children above our own desires?
On April 2nd the Underground Sessions will host Katy Faust, author of the book, Them Before Us. Katy is the founder and director of a non-profit of the same name, which is “committed to putting the needs of children at the forefront of the battle surrounding the very foundation of society—marriage and family.” The pandemic years have made it painfully clear that children are the primary victims of adult-centric narratives. Those narratives drive our conversations about family as well, to the detriment of children.
What are the rights of children? We’ll answer that question and discuss the implications for issues like abortion, adoption, divorce, marriage, LGBT parenting, and reproductive technologies. These are sensitive topics for many—topics on which the church is often silent. Yet biblical principles, not cultural trends, must inform our perspective when considering how to care for “the least of these.” In doing so, we find scriptural prescriptions for sex and marriage that agree with natural law and social science.
There is limited seating so please register soon to secure a spot. Food, music, and childcare (if needed) will be included. Livestream access to the event and its resources are available on the Underground Sesions Web Portal.
This Underground Session we are excited to host well-known author and social critic Os Guinness. Os received his D. Phil degree from Oxford and has written over 30 books including The Great Quest, Carpe Diem Redeemed, and The Magna Carta of Humanity. The theme for this event, Carpe Diem Redeemed, Os will be offering a wake-up call to the west as we look at the myriad of challenges facing the American church. In particular, Os will look at the history of the American and French revolutions and the lessons they offer us today. In each case, the faith of citizens played an important role in revitalization and human flourishing—what role will we play in our modern moment?
This is an inter-generational event—we will draw applications for multiple generations. Os will be streaming virtually, but the event will be offered live, in person. You can also watch it on our YouTube channel: mbcunhindered. Os is an engaging speaker and we know that all who attend will be blessed.
Previous Underground — April 2
Children. They are the most vulnerable among us and also the future of society. Many parents claim, “they would do anything for their child.” But what does that look like? What do children need to thrive? What does it mean to elevate the rights of children above our own desires?
On April 2nd the Underground Sessions will host Katy Faust, author of the book, Them Before Us. Katy is the founder and director of a non-profit of the same name, which is “committed to putting the needs of children at the forefront of the battle surrounding the very foundation of society—marriage and family.” The pandemic years have made it painfully clear that children are the primary victims of adult-centric narratives. Those narratives drive our conversations about family as well, to the detriment of children.
What are the rights of children? We’ll answer that question and discuss the implications for issues like abortion, adoption, divorce, marriage, LGBT parenting, and reproductive technologies. These are sensitive topics for many—topics on which the church is often silent. Yet biblical principles, not cultural trends, must inform our perspective when considering how to care for “the least of these.” In doing so, we find scriptural prescriptions for sex and marriage that agree with natural law and social science.
There is limited seating so please register soon to secure a spot. Food, music, and childcare (if needed) will be included. Livestream access to the event and its resources are available on the Underground Sesions Web Portal.
Previous Underground — November 8
Columbo—A Two-Step Game Plan for Maneuvering with Confidence and Grace in Any Conversation (45–90 min.)
Each of us as Christian ambassador faces two daunting challenges when trying to make a difference for Christ. First, we don’t know how to initiate conversations about spiritual things in a way that doesn’t seem awkward. Second, we don’t know how to keep ourselves from getting trapped or overwhelmed by others more aggressive than we are.
In this talk, Greg will teach you a two-step game plan allowing you to maneuver with confidence in any situation, no matter how little you know, and no matter how knowledgeable, aggressive, or even obnoxious your opposition may be. Columbo is the simplest tactic imaginable to help you stop a challenger in his tracks, turn the tables, and then get him thinking. And it can be done in a gracious and winsome way.
If you’re tired of finding yourself flat-footed and intimidated in conversations about what you believe, if you want to increase your confidence and your skill in discussions no matter who you’re talking with, this talk is for you.
(This material is included in “Tactics—A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions”)
Previous Underground – August 7, 2021
Registration is Open!
Peace. A concept raised often but rarely practiced in our modern age. Instead, it has been replaced by a commonplace hostility: in our spoken words, our social media posts and, sadly, in our actions. Why? Is it because hostility makes us feel better, superior, justified in our action? Or maybe the pursuit of peace is just too… difficult. On August 7th, from 6:30-8:30pm, our next Underground Session will tackle the topic of peace and hostility, specifically as it relates to Christian and Muslim relationships. Is peace possible? We’ll discuss current issues in the Middle East, how to have cross dialogue with different faith traditions, and how to love all people who are made in the image of God. At the Underground Session, we step into the tension for the glory of God. Peace and hostility create a natural tension—let’s discuss how to be people of peace in a world of hostility.
Register below. Childcare is provided.
Registration is Open!
Building peace in a climate of hostility?
If you plan on joining us virtually, information will be emailed to you prior to the event.
Previous Underground – March 6, 2021
How do we talk about race? The events of 2020 made clear that our country, and our churches are polarized by racial tension. Unfortunately, conversations about race often lead to division, strife, and blame. Is it possible to have productive dialogue in our current climate?
On March 6th, the Underground Sessions will once again tackle this difficult, but necessary topic. Defining terms is crucial. We will discuss the current understanding of racism—what do terms like “woke,” “white fragility,” “whiteness,” and “critical race theory” mean? Injecting these loaded words into the conversation on race has caused hurt and increased distrust among believers. Ultimately, Christ followers are called to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with their God (Micah 6:8). But is the current form of social justice truly biblical justice? Our call to action depends upon our grasp of this issue.
At this event, our aim is to use Scripture to define terms like humanity, race, love, and justice. We also want to bring practical tools to help people have better conversations and develop deep, meaningful relationships across racial and ethnic lines. We invite you to step into the tension and have the courage to engage in this important dialogue.
*Due to COVID restrictions, Seating for attending this event in person is very limited so make sure you register early.
If you plan on joining us virtually, information will be emailed to you prior to the event.
Previous Underground – October 3, 2020
Did you miss this event?
If missed out on this thought-provoking and challenging session below you will find all three parts for your viewing enjoyment.
Stay tuned for more Underground Sessions on our Podcasts and our biannual live events.
Income Inequality Recap
On October 3rd, 2020, MBC hosed its first ever virtual The Underground Sessions event where we discussed the important, and provocative, topic of “income inequality.” Our guest for this event was Dr. Anne Bradley, an expert economist who approaches this topic from a Christian worldview. After giving a keynote talk defining income inequality, she sat down with Pastor Bob and further discussed the related topics of socialism, capitalism, racial discrimination, as well as practical steps to address poverty in our world. You can watch the full-length session, or choose from three different segments on this page.
About the Speaker
Anne Bradley is the George and Sally Mayer Fellow for Economic Education and the Academic Director at the Fund for American Studies. She served as the Vice President of Economic Initiatives at The Institute for Faith, Work, and Economics, where she developed and commissioned research toward a systematic biblical theology of economic freedom. She is a visiting professor at Georgetown University and has previously taught at George Mason University and at Charles University, Prague. She is currently a visiting scholar at the Bernard Center for Women, Politics, and Public Policy. She served as the Associate Director for the Program in Economics, Politics, and the Law at the James M. Buchanan Center at George Mason University.
Dr. Bradley’s academic work focuses on the political economy of terrorism with specific emphasis on the industrial organization of al-Qaeda. Her academic research has been published in scholarly journals and edited volumes. She is currently working on a book that analyzes the political economy of al-Qaeda post 9/11. Based on her academic research she also worked as an Economic Analyst for the Central Intelligence Agency’s Office of Terrorism Analysis.
Dr. Bradley is the author of several books, and served as the general editor of For the Least of These: A Biblical Answer to Poverty, in which she frames a solid biblical & economic understanding of how best to care for the poor and foster economic development.
Resources: Income Inequality
Session Presentation
Income Inequality, Poverty and Human Flourishing, Dr. Anne Bradley >
For the Least of These: A Biblical Answer to Poverty. Anne Bradley >
Counting the Cost: Christian Perspectives on Capitalism by Art Lindsley PhD (Author), Anne R. Bradley PhD (Author) >
Money, Greed, and God: Why Capitalism Is the Solution and Not the Problem Paperback – Illustrated, May 4, 2010 by Jay W. Richards >
How would Jesus vote? By Darrell Bock (see Chapter 4 on economics) Howard Books, May 17, 2016 >
Articles & E-Books
A Critique of ‘Five Reasons Socialism Is Not Christian’ Craig M. Watts February 28, 2020 >
Free E-book. David Azerrad. Marx and the False Communist Promise. >
Video Teaching
Capitalism, Christianity and Income Inequality, Dr. Anne Bradley >
Exploring differences, unraveling stereotypes & seeking common ground so we may live with and care for our neighbors of differing faiths.
Judaism, Islam and Christianity. They all trace their roots to the biblical figure of Abraham, yet their modern expressions have differing beliefs. In our next Underground we will have a panel featuring a Jewish Rabbi, a devout Muslim, and Christian Minister. We will discuss their varying positions, where we can find common ground and how these ideas effect contemporary issues. Registration for attendance and childcare is required by March 11th.
- Previous Underground Sessions
Our next live Underground Session:
Our next Underground Session conversation will center around the current challenges to Religious Liberty, as well as how to love those who disagree with us. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Douglas Groothuis, Professor of Philosophy at Denver Seminary. There will also be a panel discussion featuring experts in the field of law, business, and education.
Our keynote and guest panelists:
Dr. Groothuis, PHD received a PhD and a BS from the University of Oregon, and an MA in philosophy from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He has served as an adjunct professor at Seattle Pacific University, visiting instructor in apologetics for Westminster Theological Seminary, and instructor at the University of Oregon.
He is the author of a variety of books, including Christian Apologetics, and has published articles in magazines such as Christianity Today, Moody Magazine, The Christian Research Journal, Christian Counseling Today, Modern Reformation and Perspectives. He has also written editorials for a variety of newspapers.
Rosette Adera, D. Mgmt.
Rosette is the Chair of the Business Administration Department at Pillar College where enjoys infusing Biblical principles into curriculum design and instruction. Rosette is also a student of Management, Leadership and Organizational Behavior where she engages in the Christian’s response to the issues of identity, diversity and inclusion. She is also currently serving on the Board of Garden of Hope Foundation, an initiative that is lifting the lives of youth, women and children from the slums of Nairobi.
Jesse P. Nash, JD is an attorney providing legal services covering Real Estate: Business and Banking and Business / Corporate.
Jesse Nash, who practices law in Princeton, New Jersey, was selected to Rising Stars for 2011 – 2017. This peer designation is awarded only to a select number of accomplished attorneys in each state. The Rising Stars selection process takes into account peer recognition, professional achievement in legal practice, and other cogent factors.
Prior to becoming an attorney, he studied at Seton Hall University School of Law. He graduated in 2003. After passing the bar exam, he was admitted to legal practice in 2003.