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Praise & Prayer Weekly Update - 2/12/2025
Prayer at MBC
It is our desire to be available to support you every day of the week, not just Sunday mornings. If you are in need of prayer or would like to share a praise, please fill out the email request below.
“I call on you, O God, for you will answer me; give ear to me and hear my prayer.” ~Psalm 17:6
Praise God:
- Praise God for the successful “Cookies for a Cause” event with 556 boxes packed. We will be sending these to Market Street Mission and Feeding Hands.
- Praise God for the successful arrival of Gwen & Steve Anderson in the mission field. And please continue to pray for their ministry.
For our MBC Family & Friends, please pray for:
- Please continue to pray for First Choice, recently their attorneys appealed the Third Circuit’s decision to the U.S. Supreme Court. First choice’s prayer is that other organizations will file amicus (friend of the court) briefs.
- Continue to pray for Jan Torgrimsen as he recovers from major open-heart surgery. He received an excellent report from his cardiologist this week and will be starting cardio rehab soon. Also pray for his wife Judy as she cares for him.
- Please pray for Palma Finati as she makes difficult decisions for husband Fred’s care who has dementia. And please pray for her son, Richie who has developed a tumor in his arm.
- Please pray for Betty Gallacher as she recently had a heart attack and now has fluid building up around her lungs and is on oxygen. She is still fighting, continue to pray for the family and for wisdom.
- Please pray for Dick Yeskoo’s family and friends as they mourn his passing. Details about the memorial service, later this spring will be shared when confirmed.
- Please pray for Susan LaSelva who has much worry & anxiety which is weighing her down. Please pray for her to learn to cast her concerns on the Lord so that she can rest & trust in the Lord.
- Please pray for Jennie Rickershauser’s healing from Bell’s Palsy, recently diagnosed. Pray that the Lord will make the duration as short as possible. Please pray she’ll be able to still work and deal wisely with her limitations.
- Wendy Milligan requests we pray for a smooth transition as Wendy and her husband, Scott move from NJ to PA. This move has been very stressful due to lack of help, the holidays, and weather challenges. Pray for Wendy’s health and for Scott, who is dealing with liver problems. Wendy is also struggling with esophagus issues following major surgery and hasn’t been able to find new doctors yet. Finally, pray for Wendy’s medical procedure on February 18th at RWJ Hospital in NJ, especially as she’ll need to stay in their empty NJ home. Please ask for God’s miraculous healing and that further surgery won’t be necessary. We also have just put our NJ home for sale and hope to sell that home quickly with no complications.
- Please pray for Joanna Kling who will have full right knee replacement on 2/14/25.
- Please continue to pray for our expectant mothers Danielle Arrieta who is due in April and Ruth Landau who is due in May.
Our Church:
- Pray for Pastor Dave Hentschel as he kicks off our new sermon series “The Resilient Life” based on 2 Corinthians this Sunday 2/16/2025.
- Please pray that the Lord will continue to utilize the MBC YouTube Channel to direct people to Himself.
- Please pray for our upcoming Gather 25 event on February 28th.
Our nation & those in authority.
1 Timothy 2: 1-2 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.
- Please pray for those in authority in our country.
- The recent violence in Israel and instability in the Middle East are reminders that we must depend on the Lord. We ask you to continue to pray for the salvation of those without a relationship with Jesus Christ, healing for the suffering, and peace among the nations that can only come from the Prince of Peace.
Our Extended Family & Friends:
- Please continue to pray for the Miller’s daughter, Lisa, as she continues to have fairly good days & bad days. May the Lord bring about complete healing!
- The Miller’s son-in-law, Henry, was in rehab, but had to go back into the hospital for another vascular surgery due to more blood clots. He’s back in rehab, but has a long way to go to regain strength. Please pray for his healing & salvation for him & his wife, Kim.
- Bill Miller’s brother, Paul, has been having balancing issues due to the type of cancer he had. He’s been told by two doctors that he’s never going to improve, which has caused him to become depressed. A recent MRI showed he has a spot on his pituitary gland. More testing to be done. Please pray the doctors are wrong & pray for wisdom for Bill when he talks with him. Please especially pray for Paul, & his wife, Nancy’s salvation.
- The Callender family requests continued prayer for niece Naomi. While her most recent scan showed positive results, she continues to have good days and bad ones. New research indicates that infra-red sauna treatments are helpful in combatting the disease, so they are building such a room at her house now. We continue to pray for complete healing in the name of Jesus.
- Please pray for Sue Turner’s cousin Becky, Becky’s three radiation treatments on her brain tumors have resulted in less pain, praise God. Cryotherapy has brought the greatest relief from pain in her torso and spine. They are still consulting specialists around the country, however many treatment options are not covered by insurance. Minimizing the pain has allowed Becky, as a mom, to be as fully present as possible. Thanks for your continued prayers!
- Please pray for Randi Jennings who is asking for God to provide a new part time job so she can leave the negative environment she is currently in. Also please pray for her as she seeks to find a new home church.
- Please pray for Todd, Margaret, and Isabella Fontana to grow in their faith.
Missionary Partner for the week: Bo and Michele Columbine – Serving in Senegal with World Venture:
- Praise God for how he continues to use Bo as he teaches young Senegalese men and women auto mechanics and weaving in a consistent witness for Jesus. Pray that Bo will resist getting discouraged as he faces opposition from the local mayor, a high drop-out rate, and the daily struggles with the lack of materials and electricity at times. Pray also for Michele as she has begun a new class for teaching English to Senegalese women. Pray especially that God will provide opportunities for a gospel witness. Please also remember their daughter Faith as she is now attending Liberty University.
Persecuted Church: Standing Firm After Her Husband’s Murder
- Victorie and her husband had become followers of Christ, but their families and most of the people in their village follow traditional Voodoo practices. Victorie’s in-laws were not happy that the young couple had become Christians. They threatened them and tried to scare them into converting back to pagan beliefs. “We would see blood around the house,” Victorie said. One day her husband’s parents threatened her. “They told me, ‘If anything happens to our son, it is your fault.'” As Victorie and her husband were returning home from a visit to his family one night, he suddenly collapsed and died shortly afterwards.
Would you like your prayer request to remain active longer?
Prayer requests will remain active for two weeks. If you would like your request to continue please update by contacting us here or via a connection card on Sunday. All long-term prayer requests (chronic illnesses) will remain active for one month. If you would like your request to continue, please update by contacting us here or via a connection card on Sunday.
Dear MBC community, Ensuring excellence in our communication is vital for a cohesive and impactful church identity. To uphold this standard, all public church communications will undergo a thoughtful review by our Communications department. This encompasses various platforms such as Enews, Website, social media, Praise and Prayer, and more. We appreciate your creativity and individuality in personal communications, yet on public platforms, we seek to maintain a consistent tone and quality. This oversight is a collective effort to present the best of MBC, supported by the insights of our dedicated Communications team and church leaders. Thank you for your understanding and collaboration in this endeavor.
Our Sunday service LiveStream is exclusively on our Channel.