Before the busyness of the Christmas season begins, let’s go before the LORD together and “Be Still and Behold Him” through scripture readings, special music, and a time of reflection. We will close out our time together with a potluck brunch, fellowship, and some Christmas fun too!
This Summer Noah tackled the subject of Unity. As we look around our country we are so divided. Jesus desires we be unified in Him
John 12:20-21 states: “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”
Come check out our YouTube channel featuring this and other relevant topics.
Family Ministries Resource Page | We live in a complex world. Raising the next generation to own their faith has never been more challenging—or more necessary. Yet, in the Scriptures, we see three institutions that God created: The Family, The Church, and the Nation—but the family is the foundation of society.
At MBC, one of our core values is building strong families. One of the ways we do this is by equipping parents and their children to navigate the difficult issues of the day. This page is for you. Below you will find some suggested resources to help you answer the most pressing issues of the day. Don’t see something? Ask us a question below!
MBC Kids Philosophy of Discipleship |We are passionate about discipleship. This resource was written to explain how we aim to lay the foundation for kids to grow in God’s Word while they are a part of our MBC Kids ministry. Download this document for more on our philosophy.
Several times a year we offer seminars for MBC families and those in our community. We run these events to equip families to navigate the difficult cultural terrain we are living in. Here are examples of past seminar topics:
I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.
Can you count to 6? Then you can play Bunco! This fun, fast-paced game night is open to all women, from high school on up. It’s a great way for women of all ages and generations to get to know one another.
Please bring a dessert or an appetizer to share if you are able.
Restoring our Connection with God...Others...Ourselves
March 15-17, DoubleTree Hotel, Lancaster, PA
The Lord has been so Faithful to Millington Baptist Church through the years and our Women’s Ministry is excited to invite women to a special weekend of fellowship, refreshment, and inspiration in the heart of Amish country in beautiful Lancaster, PA.
Join us as we spend the weekend with Tammy Mittuch (mom, MBC mission partner, sister & friend) journeying through the book of Daniel. Over four insightful sessions, we’ll unravel the mysteries and timeless lessons embedded in this ancient text. We’ll delve into prophetic visions, historical narratives, and profound wisdom, which we hope will be inspiring and challenging. Don’t miss this enriching experience that promises to deepen your appreciation for the spiritual treasures concealed in the pages of one of the Bible’s most intriguing books.
We’ve provided a few different lodging options for you to review and consider before completing your registration. Early Bird = prior to February 13.
A. Early Bird Double Room: $275 per person for 2 people /room, 2 nights. Includes all activities except optional “Daniel” ticket. Register before February 13. (Choose this option if you would like to share a room.)
B. Early Bird Single Room: $425, King room, 2 nights. Includes all activities except optional “Daniel” ticket. Register before February 13. (Choose this option if you would prefer not to share a room. Same rate applies.)
C. Post Feb. 13 Make My Own Reservation: Will make my own hotel reservation at the hotel’s STANDARD RATE and pay MBC $75.00 for additional retreat cost. (Choose this option if you are making your reservation after Feb. 13.)
*Retreat costs include: Lodging for 2 nights, Friday & Saturday refreshments, Saturday & Sunday breakfast, Saturday lunch. (Friday & Saturday night dinners are on your own.)
In addition to our speaker sessions, there is space for restorative “you” time, however that looks for you. Here are some suggestions:
Sight & Sound Theater production of “Daniel”. We have a block of 40 seats at $85 each. If you would like to attend, please secure your seat during registration.
Meeting Room Hangout – Refreshments, coffee & tea service will be served throughout the day in our designated meeting room. Feel free to curl up with a hot beverage and connect with old and new friends, play board or card games, needlework, puzzles…whatever suits you!
Transportation There is room for 15 on each of our two MBC vans. One van will require masks, the other will be mask optional. Please indicate whether or not you’d like to travel on one of the vans. Departure time is TBD.
If driving on your own, here is the address and phone #:
2400 Willow Street Pike Lancaster, PA 17602 1-717-464-2711
What about COVID?
By registering for this retreat, we ask that you understand there is a risk of contracting COVID as in any circumstance. We will designate one of the church vans as mask-required and the other mask-optional. This is a mask-optional event.
Reservations are refundable if your cancellation is made prior to February 16th or if you test positive for Covid within 2 weeks of the retreat date.
Contact Sue Turner ( or call the church office at 908.647.0594.
Esther Goetz
About Esther: I was born and grew up a missionary kid in war-torn Ethiopia. I now live in rural New Jersey in a house surrounded by perennial gardens where you will find me digging in the dirt or basking in the glory of it all.
When I’m not on a date with my husband of 30 years, I’m writing, watching crime shows, figuring out the cures for all the world’s problems with a friend, or being a mom to four grownish kids and one adorable preschool grandson.
I have a fierce passion to restore hope for the sacred space where our hearts and our homes meet. This includes faith, marriage and motherhood.
My husband wrote this haiku for me and it’s who and what I hope to be and share with you:
We are excited to announce a new Bible study series on the book of John featuring Lysa TerKeurst, author of Finding I Am: How Jesus Fully Satisfies the Cry of Your Heart. We will watch a Zoom video together from Lysa’s time in Israel and then discuss it. Study books are available for purchase if you would like to dive deeper.
Contact Jenn Dowden, Women’s Ministries Coordinator, with questions.
Weekly Pastors Video: Every week Pastor Bob and special guest brings you some encouraging truths from the Scriptures , current events and let you know how you can connect. You don’t want to miss this important weekly video delivered right here!
Stay tuned right here for regular updates from Behind The Pulpit. Here you will find our Pastor’s weekly videos updates and various MBC community opportunities to connect with each other.
The next Senior Luncheon in the Fellowship Hall: February 21, 12pm.
MBC Senior Luncheon provides a time of food, fun and fellowship to seniors within our church and neighboring communities once a month.
Bring your favorite entree, salad, casserole, dessert or bread to share. Socks are also being collected for the Relief Bus. Contact the church office at (908- 647-0594) if you have any questions.
Our next gathering will feature the Magic Mirror Players, a group of volunteer actors who portray real-life issues on topics that relate to seniors through dramatic presentations that use improvisational and role-playing techniques. The Magic Mirror Players are sponsored by Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital.
Friends from Trailside Museum
Enjoy a delicious lunch as friends from Trailside Museum at the Watchung Reservation talk about local history and upcoming programs and events.
The Pettet Sisters
Be inspired and encouraged by music that carries a distinct message. The Pettet Sisters’ unique style has taken them to Broadway, movies, television and even the White House. Come and enjoy an afternoon of entertainment at its best!
Bring your favorite salad, casserole, dessert or bread to share. Socks are also being collected for the Relief Bus. For more information, call the church office at 908-647-0594.
World Vision International
Former MBC member, Dee Billings, is a Child Ambassador Volunteer for World Vision. She has traveled to many countries ministering to children and their families and will be telling us about what God is doing in Uganda through the efforts of World Vision.
Bring your favorite salad, casserole, dessert or bread to share. Socks are also being collected for the Relief Bus. For more information, call the church office at 908-647-0594.
Songs of the Season
Come and enjoy a wonderful afternoon as we celebrate and sing “Songs of the Season”
with our very own Jeffrey Reid and Liz Gallacher. Bring a friend, your favorite salad, casserole, dessert or bread.
For more information, call the church office at 908-647-0594.
Backyard Birding in New Jersey Part 2
What are all those birds you’re seeing in your backyard? Come out to this fun and informative talk as we explore Backyard Birding in New Jersey, Part 2, with our very own, Wendy Milligan. Learn about the amazing and unusual visitors that come annually to New Jersey and where to find them.
Bring a friend, your favorite casserole, dessert or bread. For more information, call the church office at 908-647-0594.
Come and enjoy an afternoon with us as we explore, Chocolate! A nutritionist from the Bernards Township Health Department will join us to talk about the health benefits of this delicious treat.
Bring a friend, your favorite casserole, dessert or bread. For more information, call the church office at 908-647-0594.
Magic with Joe Fischer
Come and enjoy a magical afternoon. Joe is a full-time performer who is in a class all his own! Performing 300 shows every year at a variety of locations, he is has a wildly popular and versatile act.
Bring a friend, your favorite casserole, dessert or bread. For more information, call the church office at 908-647-0594.
Red Oak Country Boys
Back by popular demand are The Red Oak Country Boys, a five piece country & western band featuring tunes from the 1940s, 50s, and 60s along with bluegrass and some original tunes.
Bring a friend, your favorite casserole, dessert or bread. For more information, call the church office at 908-647-0594.
There will not be any luncheons during the summer session. We will resume in October, 2019.
We’re excited to participate once again in First Choice’s Baby Bottle Boomerang. Simply take a bottle home, fill it with your spare change and use it as a reminder to pray for First Choice as they serve women and rescue babies. Return your filled bottle to the Welcome Center or the church office by February 16.
Praising God for the wonderful Packing Party for Cookies for a Cause! Thank you to everyone who baked cookies, delivered them to the church, and/or participated at our packing party last Saturday. Together, our 53 volunteers packed 556 boxes of cookies which were then donated to our friends at the Market Street Mission and Feeding Hands!
Our Mission: For women in all seasons of life to grow together in Christ by being rooted in God’s Word through Bible Study, to encourage and support one another through fellowship and prayer and reflect the light of Jesus in our homes, workplaces and surrounding communities.
Adult Education Class: Please join us for coffee, fellowship, prayer support and discussion as we move through a book in the Bible verse by verse. We are currently in the Book of John. All are welcome, whether you have been studying the bible for many years or you have just started on your journey in the Word.
Leader: Kim McLaughlin & Jenn Dowden & Lisa Drew & Suzy Parker
Every Sunday
Sundays, AM
8:00am - 8:45am - YFMB 202
Topic: To all the Women of MBC, please set your alarm clocks for an early Sunday morning wake-up and join your sisters in Christ as we gather together to pray. We pray for our church, for each other, for family, for friends, and whatever other needs God puts on our hearts to pray for. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 “Pray without ceasing,”
Leader: Deb Luedecker
Sundays, AM
Fridays 6:30pm – 8pm YFMB Room 201 Begins Jan 19th:
Topic:Learn study skills to go deeper into God’s word as you study the Book of Colossians, Precept Upon Precept, by Precept Ministries. We will be studying what it means to be “complete in Christ”. Is Christ your “all in all” – does He meet all your needs? Don’t let anyone delude you with man-made philosophies or traditions that contradict the Word of God.
Leader:Sharon Williams and Barb Smith
Tuesdays 8pm- 9pm – Zoom/Online Resumes January 23rd:
Partner with us during this season of motherhood on Zoom. Tuesday, 8pm – 9pm. Reach out to Krisana Ukritnukun via email for the Zoom link.
Topic: MBC “Risen Motherhood” Podcast Group is an online community that gathers weekly to reflect on the gospel-hope for moms with young children. Each podcast is about 20 minutes long and brings gospel truths to everyday topics of motherhood. .
“You might think that Scripture doesn’t have much to say about the food you make for breakfast, how you view your postpartum body, or what school choice you make for your children, but a deeper look reveals that the Bible provides the framework for finding answers to your specific questions about modern motherhood.” – Risen Motherhood
Sundays 9am – 10:30am YFMB Room 201 Resumes January 7th:
Topic: Continuing verse by verse study/discussion on the Gospel of John.
We are continuing our study on the book of John, but also enjoy making connections and praying for one another.
Leaders: Jenn Dowden and Kim McLaughlin
Women's Christmas Cafe
Women’s Christmas Cafe
Come and join us for a relaxing Christmas celebration with music, food and friends! Dress fancy (if you would like), bring an appetizer or dessert to share as we mingle in the newly renovated Fellowship Hall.
Take a little time for yourself to pause and fill up your bucket before we pour them out to the ones we love this Christmas.
Invite your mother, neighbors, high school teens, old friends and new. Whoever the Lord is bringing to mind, we would love to have them. If you have any questions contact Jenn Dowden .
Women |Together we strive to connect the women of MBC to become empowered & equipped disciples of Christ. We hope to take part in each other’s life stories and God’s greater narrative. We aspire to broaden and deepen our understanding of God through His Word, Holy Spirit and each other; share in struggles and joys; renew and connect in our communities, families and workplaces.
For more information about events and activities for women, please contact Women’s Ministry Coordinator, Kim McCarthy, at (
The Morning Edition
The Morning Edition
The Evening Edition
Women |Together we strive to connect the women of MBC to become Empowered Disciples of Christ. We hope to take part in each other’s life stories and God’s greater narrative. We aspire to broaden and deepen our understanding of God and each other; share in struggles and joys; renew and connect in our communities, families and workplaces.
Tuesdays: 9:30amMorning Break:Bible Study
Tuesdays: 6:45pm
Evening Edition: Book Club/Bible Study
Our events are intended to encourage Renewal, Growth, Connection & Action within community.
We embrace women from all backgrounds and walks of life to join together in care, growth, love, & faith.
The Women’s Ministry provides opportunities for women from MBC and the surrounding community to connect, grow in their faith, discover ways to partner in ministry, and give back to others.
Are you looking for a place to connect with other women while discovering God’s Word together? Bible studies meet on Tuesday morning and evening in our Youth & Family Ministry Building on campus. We also host various events for women throughout the year. We are passionate about helping women build relationships with God and each other. For more information about MBC’s Women’s Ministry email:Women’s Ministry.
The Morning Edition
Romans 1-7; The Gift of God by Timothy Keller
Tuesday Mornings, 9:30am, YFMB
We want to be right in the eyes of the law of our land, of those we respect, of our loved ones, of those we work with. We strive to gain and then keep this right standing.
But there is another, far better and more important righteousness. A righteousness which changes and liberates every aspect of our lives, and yet which none of us can earn or maintain ourselves. It s a righteousness from God.
Romans 1-7 is all about that righteousness. It shows us why we don’t have it, why we need it, and how we can receive it. It thrills us that the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6 v 23).
These seven studies will help you to understand one of the most-read, most written-about parts of the Bible. And, as they enable you to you unwrap God s precious gift of right standing with him, they ll transform your hearts, lives, identities and perspectives.
We want to be right in the eyes of the law of our land, of those we respect, of our loved ones, of those we work with. We strive to gain and then keep this right standing.
But there is another, far better and more important righteousness. A righteousness which changes and liberates every aspect of our lives, and yet which none of us can earn or maintain ourselves. It s a righteousness from God.
Romans 1-7 is all about that righteousness. It shows us why we don’t have it, why we need it, and how we can receive it. It thrills us that the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6 v 23).
These seven studies will help you to understand one of the most-read, most written-about parts of the Bible. And, as they enable you to you unwrap God s precious gift of right standing with him, they ll transform your hearts, lives, identities and perspectives.
Tuesday Evenings, 6:45pm (starts promptly at 7pm)-8:30pm, Fellowship Hall
What is the deep cry of your heart? The ache in your soul that keeps you up at night? The prayer you keep repeating? Jesus not only cares about this deep, spiritual wrestling, but He also wants to step in and see you through it.
Join Lysa TerKeurst on the streets of Israel to explore the seven I AM statements of Jesus found in the Gospel of John. Through this interactive, in-depth study we will be trading feelings of emptiness and depletion for the fullness of knowing who Jesus is like never before.
The workbook is $15, payable by cash or check. Please invite your friends to come. Contact Irm Smith (908-397-3128) with any questions.
MBC 2024 Annual Business Meeting Wednesday, March 19thOur Annual Business Meeting is an important time for our church as we celebrate all that God is doing ...
Topic: “Job – A Story of Unlikely Joy” by Lisa Harper.
Joy is the constant companion of the woman who trusts in the Lord. And while you can find it in friends, family, and circumstances, unfailing, persistent joy will only ever overflow from your relationship with Jesus. Just ask Job, the man from Uz who clung to God’s goodness while all his worldly joys were stripped away. But how is it possible to hold onto such joy in times of sorrow? In this 7-session study, discover the redemptive facet of Job’s suffering. Learn to view pain as a way to strengthen your faith, point others to the gospel, and trust in the Lord. Because His providence will never take you to a place where His grace will not sustain you.