MBC 2024 Annual Business Meeting
Wednesday, March 19th
Our Annual Business Meeting is an important time for our church as we celebrate all that God is doing at MBC and plan for the exciting year ahead.
This year’s Annual Business Meeting will be conducted IN-PERSON in our Sanctuary on Wednesday, March 19, at 7pm.
Your participation is essential to this meeting’s success. According to our constitution, first we need 20% of active voting members to attend the meeting to constitute a quorum. Second, of those attending, we need a simple majority vote to both approve the annual operating budget and to elect members to the Board of Elders. Please make every effort to attend and vote.
Update 3/16/2023
The Annual Business Meeting was a great time for the church to recap the past fiscal year and to look forward to 2023-2024. Pastor Bob & Pastor Dave spoke about our plans to continue to be firmly planted, growing together, and investing in the lives of others. Larry Blakeman shared about the budget and new World Partners. We had a good time celebrating what God has done and expectant of the future of our church.
We did have quorum and voted unanimously to pass the proposed budget for 2023-2024.
Also, a motion carried unanimously for additional funding that was requested for 2022-2023.
Hock Ng presented from the Elder Nominating Committee five new candidates:
- Jeff Callender (2nd term – 3 years)
- Chris Dowden (1st term – 3 years)
- Andrew Strain (1st term – 3 years)
- Jan Torgrimsen (2nd term – 3 years)
- Paul Wilford (Unexpired 1 year term – 1 year)
All gentlemen were approved.
Doug Hulin, Elder Vice-Chair, thanked our outgoing elders, Paul Achenbach and Hock Ng, for their investment, dedication, and leadership in so many areas.
Pray for your involvement in MBC’s Vision based on Psalm 1:1-3.
Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.
We are offering childcare during the meeting as needed. Must register by March 12th please.
Wednesday, March 15, 7pm, In-Person Only
Our Annual Business Meeting is an important time for our church as we celebrate all that God is doing at MBC and plan for the exciting year ahead.
This year’s Annual Business Meeting will be conducted in-person in our Sanctuary on Wednesday, March 16, at 7pm.
Members will be emailed instructions on how to login to the ABM portal. This is the same web portal we used last year. You’ll need your username and password. There is a “forgot password” feature, in case you forgot.
We encourage all members to login prior to the meeting so that you can watch Pastor Bob’s pre-meeting instructions video as well as familiarize yourself with the Annual Business Meeting portal.
Most importantly, your participation is essential to this meeting’s success. According to our constitution, first we need 20% of active voting members to attend the meeting to constitute a quorum. Second, of those attending, we need a simple majority vote to both approve the annual operating budget and to elect members to the Board of Elders. Please make every effort to attend and vote.
Save the Date: Wednesday, March 17, 7pm
Our Annual Business Meeting is an important time for our church as we celebrate all that God is doing at MBC and plan for the exciting year ahead. Due to the pressing concerns with COVID-19 and congregating in large groups we are creating a virtual forum in lieu of a live presentation in our sanctuary.
We encourage you to watch the meeting presentation, download and review the Annual Report, and participate in the Online Voting that was emailed to every MBC Member. This email covers voting for the church budget for the upcoming fiscal year and leadership positions within our body. The Center will be compiling the votes in order to preserve anonymity.
Your participation is essential to this meeting’s success. According to our constitution, first we need 20% of active voting members to attend the meeting (watching/voting) to constitute a quorum. Second, of those attending, we need a simple majority vote to both approve the annual operating budget and to elect members to the Board of Elders. Please make every effort to attend and vote.
Step ONE: Download
Step Two: Download
Step Three: Watch
Step Four: Ask
Step Five: Vote
Annual Meeting Presentation
Call the church office at 908-647-0594 or email Scott Rajoppi.