Serve with The Relief Bus The Relief Bus ( consists of two former school buses now customized into mobile resource centers to help the poor and homeless. Friendly faces serve up food and love demonstrating genuine care. This allows volunteers to discover other needs and then connect people to resources and faith-based programs which often transform lives and in many cases actually save lives.
The Relief Bus provides a first step to freedom and new life for those in great need. Volunteers from MBC help prepare the food and then go out on the Relief Bus to Newark, Harlem, and the Bronx on a regular basis – either monthly or more often.
MBC will serve on the Relief bus on the first Friday of the month.
Serve with City Relief|City Relief ( consists of two former school buses now customized into mobile resource centers to help the poor and homeless. Friendly faces serve up food and love demonstrating genuine care. This allows volunteers to discover other needs and then connect people to resources and faith-based programs which often transform lives and in many cases actually save lives.
City Relief provides a first step to freedom and new life for those in great need. Volunteers from MBC help prepare the food and then go out on the City Relief bus to Newark, Harlem, and the Bronx on a regular basis – either monthly or more often.
MBC will serve on with City Relief bus on the first Friday of the month. We welcome minors to serve but they must be accompanied by an adult.
Contact Dave Springer or text him at 908-331-0569 with any questions.
MBC’s guest speaker is Josiah Haken, VP for Outreach Operations for The Relief Bus. Josiah’s Sermon entitled A Seat at the Table is based on Luke 14:1-11.
Hear about our friend Sarah’s relationship with New York City Relief, and her journey away from homelessness and into wholeness.
MBC Kids Care Packages, 2018
There are many who describe the record number of people sleeping in NYC and NJ shelters, in parks, in train stations, and bus terminals, as a problem that needs to be solved. City Relief doesn’t exist to solve problems, but to love people.
NY City Relief converted two school buses into mobile outreach centers that go directly to those who are most vulnerable, lonely, and hurting to provide a meal, new socks, toiletries, and connections to resources that offer a way out. Week after week, rain or shine, the Relief Bus throws a party on the sidewalk for anyone and everyone with a very simple message:
“God has not forgotten you. You are not alone. Tomorrow can be better than today.”
The Pastoral Leadership Team (PLT): MBC subscribes to the philosophy of plurality of leadership. Together, pastors & directors share in the responsibility for leading the day-to-day operations and ministries. Each pastor has specific areas of responsibility and oversight. Together they form a circle of leadership that ensures the mission and policies established by the MBC Elder Board are employed in a way that meets the needs of these areas and recognizes that the spirit of the church is realized when they operate in harmony. This benefits both the pastors and the community.
The Ministry Directors:These spiritually-mature professionals support the church and its leadership by focusing on specific areas of operation. Each of these individuals is guided by the goals of MBC and provides support to the pastoral staff. The biblically-prescribed standards for pastoral leadership give the local church considerable freedom to develop its own model of leadership in order to most effectively reach its community. Various forms, policies and procedures are employed in well governed churches. A church’s history, size, and the stage of development all influence which of the many forms will be the most effective and appropriate for a given organization at a given time.
Meet the MBC Ministry Directors
Bob Erbig Lead Pastor: Preaching, Family Life & Mission
Dave Hentschel Lead Pastor: Preaching, Spiritual Formation & Care
Our weekly Sunday service is the heart of our community. Regular shared time together in worship and fellowship unites us in purpose and encourages our shared vision. Dynamic worship and a rotation of teachers stimulates learning while fostering community.
Calvary Bible Chapel Ministries provides resources, discipleship, children’s programs, and love to families and individuals in need in inner city Newark. You can donate non-perishable food items to this ministry. A collection box is located in the hallway near the church office. From time to time, this ministry is in need of clean, good quality in-season clothing.
First Choice Women’s Resource Centers | Founded in 1985, First Choice Women’s Resource Centers’ mission is to protect the unborn by empowering women. The 9,000 women, babies and students who come to us each year come to our centers in Jersey City, Montclair, Morristown, Newark and Plainfield, or participate in our Real Talk sexual risk avoidance presentations in their public high school. With an estimated 13,100 abortions performed each year in our service area, we are called to rescue babies and serve their moms with care and compassion.
Some of the many services First Choice provides include pregnancy tests and individual peer counseling, ultrasound exams to medically confirm pregnancy, screening for sexually transmitted diseases, post-abortion counseling and the Earn While You Learn parenting program. The love, grace and truth of the gospel is shared with our clients as the Lord provides the opportunity.
To learn more about volunteer opportunities at First Choice, please visit or call 973.538.0967.
Your spare change can save a life!
We’re trying to save 125 babies through our Baby Bottle Boomerang. Will you help?
Through 5 locations, First Choice provides services that protect the unborn by empowering women. Over 9,000 women, babies and students are served each year, some in their local school through the Real Talk sexual risk avoidance program and others by coming to First Choice centers in Jersey City, Montclair, Morristown, Newark and New Brunswick.
Our ability to provide high-quality, personal care such as one-on-one counseling, medical services, and practical support at no cost is because of you! We receive no government funding.
Your gift today will provide ultrasounds, one-on-one counseling and practical support to women who are considering abortion in New Jersey.
Your donation is tax-deductible. Thank you for helping to save a life today!
Market Street Mission Life Change Program Summer Graduation
Sunday, July 31, 6pm, on the Morristown Green
Join us for an evening of fellowship as we celebrate the men who will be gradating from our addiction recovery program and hear the testimonies of how their lives have been changed through the healing power Christ.
Serve with the Mission |Market Street Mission (MSM) ministers to the homeless, helpless, and hopeless in northern NJ by meeting their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs through a structured program which enables them to lead responsible, productive lives. MSM provides food, shelter, clothing and other necessities, and meets emotional and spiritual needs with guidance and life change programs.
Volunteers from MBC help with meal service on a monthly basis (5 dinner meals) and Thrift Store merchandising and assistance.
For directions to the mission and to read more about what you can expect when serving, click on the Frequently Asked Questions button below.
MSM proudly presents their Spring 2024 testimonies:
MSM proudly presents their Spring 2022 graduation testimonies:
Eyeglasses Needed at Market Street Mission
Many men who come to the Mission for help have poor eyesight. We are collecting and recycling glasses in an effort to help the men in our recovery program with vision loss. If you no longer need your used glasses, please consider donating them to the Market Street Mission. By donating them you can give a gift of vision to someone in need. You can drop off your used glasses at the front desk of the Mission located at 9 Market Street in Morristown, ship them to MSM or call to arrange for a pick up. Contact Nancy Motley at 973-538-6337.
Dates to serve in 2024:
February 19-23
March 18-22
April 15-19
May 20-24
June 17-24
July 15-19
August 19-23
Sept 16-20
October 21-25
November 18-22
December 16-20 Contact the MBC Volunteer Coordinator: Jim Flood.
The next World Partner Ministry Update presentation will be on
July 29, 9am in the Fellowship Hall.
World Partners | Contact the Missions Team, if you are interested in learning about any of the World Partners.
Michael & Debbie Bannon
After having served with World Venture in Vilnius, Lithuania in evangelism, church planting, and leadership training for 15 years have moved to a new ministry in Ireland. The team in Galway has asked them to help them in leadership development with a church that is about 10 years old. Their work at Galway is with the WorldVenture team in a co-pastoral capacity as well as discipleship, friendship evangelism, men’s and women’s ministries, and assisting in other aspects of church ministry. Their desire is to see Galway City Baptist Church grow, to someday have its own facility, to see born again believers take on more and more responsibilities at the church and to reach out to the community beyond. Find out more about the Bannons.
Bo and Michele Columbine minister to African families in predominately Muslim Senegal. Bo, who is a mechanic, welder and machinist, serves men through teaching them these vocational skills. Michele ministers to the wives and children so they can reach whole families for God’s glory. Upon their return to Senegal (July, 2013) Bo will be opening a vocational trade school in partnership with a Senegalese Christian business man. This man is an owner of an auto repair shop and will be supplying the class room for the school as well as practical experience within his shop for the students. An essential part of the training will be Bible lessons. These Bible lessons, as well as discipleship are what will make a difference in these young men. Christian business ethics using the Bible will also be incorporated. Bo desires to train young entrepreneurs and small business owners. In a country that has a 48% unemployment rate it is necessary to make job makers and not job seekers.Find out more about the Columbines.
Maceo and Rosalie Hemmingway
Serving in Newark through Calvary Bible Chapel, The Hemmingways offer counseling, help with addiction problems, and assist with those dealing with single-parent homes and unemployment. They also look for opportunities to present the gospel through Bible studies, retreats, support groups, tutoring, and street evangelism.
Kevin & Kaori Laverman
Kevin and Kaori Laverman (WorldVenture) minister in Kawasaki, Japan, where Christians make up 0.6 percent of the population. The church they help lead, Denen Grace Chapel, reaches out to its community and to returnees, Japanese people who became Christians a broad. Find out more about the Lavermans
“A” Family This this uniquely qualified family serves in Germany and ministers Christ’s love to Afghan refugees on the basis of their prior service in Afghanistan. They arrived on the field in June 2017 and are working toward discipling young Afghans.
Mark and Karen Marchak
For over a decade Mark established and facilitated a team of church planters and other urban workers in Metropolitan New York City. Beginning in 1990 he also gave leadership to the Mission’s urban ministries throughout the Eastern United States. Currently Mark is the National Director of City Church Movements (formerly Urban Ministries) for Missions Door. While based in New York, he facilitates a shared vision of city and multicultural ministries throughout the United States and in Montreal, Canada, concentrating on church planting and leadership development.
Rob and Tammy Mittuch with children Ellie, Trey, and MacKenzie
Serving with Cru in the NJ, PA, and MD areas. Rob oversees the Cru Staff on the many college campuses in the tri-state area where Cru has a campus ministry. Tammy assists as a Resource Allocation Coordinator.
Diana Muenzenberger
Diana is a middle school teacher to missionary kids at Faith Academy in the Philippines. She first served at Faith Academy in 1995 on a missions trip. Diana takes great joy in developing relationships with her students while watching them thrive academically. Find out more about Faith Academy.
Mark and Kathy Schaaf
Mark is partnering with World Venture to serve as an international training officer for Walk Thru the Bible International (WTB)focusing on international training, strategic alliances with other ministries, and exploring the implications of oral learning with WTB. Kathy works with the international refugee community in Clarkston, Georgia. The community, located outside of Atlanta, is made up of some 60,000 refugees from 145 countries and 761 ethnic groups.Find out more about the Schaafs.
Bern and Patty Schraut
Bern and Patty live in Austria with their two adult sons. Bern is Deputy Technical Director for Trans World Radio (TWR) in Austria. TWR has been changing their technologies to include internet and smart phones as well as AM, shortwave and satellite radio so they could better cross geographic borders – Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia. The core content, the message of the gospel, has been repackaged in different lengths and languages and readied for multiple technologies. Their communication platform has changed from radio-program centered to content centered and will allow them to adjust quickly to new technologies in the future. Their vision required a change in the technical backbone of TWR as well as the change in programming. Bern has been working with volunteer project teams where the management of the project is based on biblical principles. Bern is an elder at a German-speaking Baptist church in Vienna where Patty is involved in their music program
Keith & Beverly Sellers
Keith and Beverly serve in Hungary. Their main work has been to learn the challenging Hungarian language and discover ways they can become involved in evangelism and church planting. They have enjoyed teaching a Bible Club as an outreach of a small church plant in their community. They also served twice a month at a church in a small town south of Budapest. Keith regularly preached in Hungarian, and together as a family they encouraged the believers in this small church. They have 3 children – Rachel, Kimberly and Joel.
Joe Violi
Joe Violi (The Navigators) recently moved from Rutgers University in NJ, where he served for many years, to Penn State University. He is excited about being part of a staff team reaching out to large and diverse student body. The Navigators emphasizes discipleship, helping students know Christ and make Him known. Find out more about Joe.
Tom and Alicia Voster With Sons Mason and Camryn
Serving with World Team in Cambodia the Voster’s mission is evangelism and church planting. They arrived in Cambodia in December 2017 and are adjusting to the culture and are in language study.
Clint and Jillian Watkins
Clint and Jillian serve with DiscipleMakers. The Watkins connect with college students through weekly Bible studies and other outreach events during the school year. Clint and Jillian have served on the campus of Gettysburg College since 2013. Now they’ve been called to transition their ministry to the Lancaster, PA area later this year. Find out more about the Watkins.
John and Stella White
John White went to Donetsk, Ukraine in 2000 to learn the Russian language. In 2002, he applied to Donetsk Christian University to work in the Public Relations Department and teach. There he met Stella, a Ukranian national working in that department. They married in 2008 and in 2012, their son Edward was born. John teaches courses in the area of mission, including Introduction to Missiology, Contextualization, History of Mission, and World Religions and Cults. In 2010, John started a part-time Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies at Biola University and is currently writing his dissertation. He and Stella now teach at Kiev Theological Seminary. John is also on the board of the Euro-Asian Accrediting Association, which oversees Evangelical higher education in the former Soviet Union. Stella continues working at KTS teaching English. John’s home church is Millington Baptist Church.
Curtis and Janna Hanover, with children Turi, Tihi, Bitsu, Zoya, Elden, and Carmen
Serving with the Jesus Film Project in Thailand, the Hanover’s primary mission is coordinating the translation and distribution of the Jesus Film in the Far East that is possible and best used to reach the least evangelized people for Christ.
Our missions are intended to motivate one another towards love and good deeds so that it may encourage Renewal, Growth, Connection & Actionwithin community and the world around us.
May 5-13, Senegal, West Africa
We’re pleased to announce our 16th short-term missions trip to our partner village Langomack, where the Christians there look forward to our visits. They pray for us and appreciate that we come and join their lives for a week.
On this trip we will be:
visiting people
renewing friendships
helping with a “Kids Club.
working on school library
water projects.
join the Christians in the village
visit and pray for their neighbors.
We will be staying in the city of Thies, in a nice dormitory in the large church. A van will take us back and forth to the village each day. We will spend time in the capital city Dakar, and visit with some of our World Partners.
The cost is $1800. We hope for a nice mix of “veterans” and “first-timers.” If you’d like to consider joining this trip, contact the church office or Paul Wilford (
Build a Team of Lay Caregivers to Transform Lives in Your Congregation
Imagine how much ministry could happen if your congregation had a team of well-trained lay caregivers equipped to provide one-on-one Christian care to people who need it.
Ever thought about becoming a Stephen Minister? Stephen Ministers work alongside pastors to care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support for people going through difficult times such as divorce, grief, hospitalization, unemployment, terminal illness, relocation, chronic illness, or loneliness. If you have gifts for caring, encouragement, and listening, please prayerfully consider being a part of this exciting ministry. Our next training will take place in January of 2024.
Questions about cost, time commitment, or something else? Interested in taking the next step and attending our next workshop?
Meet The Team: Pastor Dave Hentschel, Jim Romaine, Bruce Corke, Drew Huber, Cecil Ruth, Carol Lynn, Christine Wenslau, Michelle Klemme, Carrie Isler, Izzy Siegel, Judy Torgimsen, Yvonne Lai, Not seen: KaWing Kam and Grace Kam
Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way will fulfill the law of Christ (Gal 6:2, NRSV).
In Stephen Ministry congregations, lay caregivers (called Stephen Ministers) provide one-to-one Christian care to those in need of care. These may include people who are bereaved, hospitalized, terminally ill, separated, divorced, unemployed, relocated, facing a crisis, or just experiencing difficult times. Stephen Ministry helps pastors and congregations provide quality caring ministry for as long as people need it.For more information on Stephen Ministry.
Care Receivers are people going through tough times who are being cared for by Stephen Ministers. Care receivers are people—congregation members and others in the community—who receive care from a Stephen Minister. These are people struggling through a difficult time in life—experiencing grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, or some other life crisis. Some important guidelines for this caring relationship protect both the care receiver and the Stephen Minister: The relationship between a care receiver and a Stephen Minister is confidential. Men are matched with men; women with women. When a care receiver’s needs exceed what a Stephen Minister can provide, the Stephen Ministry team makes a referral to an appropriate mental health professional or other community resource.
Are you interested in becoming a Stephen Minister?