Serve with City Relief|City Relief ( consists of two former school buses now customized into mobile resource centers to help the poor and homeless. Friendly faces serve up food and love demonstrating genuine care. This allows volunteers to discover other needs and then connect people to resources and faith-based programs which often transform lives and in many cases actually save lives.
City Relief provides a first step to freedom and new life for those in great need. Volunteers from MBC help prepare the food and then go out on the City Relief bus to Newark, Harlem, and the Bronx on a regular basis – either monthly or more often.
MBC will serve on with City Relief bus on the first Friday of the month. We welcome minors to serve but they must be accompanied by an adult.
Contact Dave Springer or text him at 908-331-0569 with any questions.
MBC’s guest speaker is Josiah Haken, VP for Outreach Operations for The Relief Bus. Josiah’s Sermon entitled A Seat at the Table is based on Luke 14:1-11.
Hear about our friend Sarah’s relationship with New York City Relief, and her journey away from homelessness and into wholeness.
MBC Kids Care Packages, 2018
There are many who describe the record number of people sleeping in NYC and NJ shelters, in parks, in train stations, and bus terminals, as a problem that needs to be solved. City Relief doesn’t exist to solve problems, but to love people.
NY City Relief converted two school buses into mobile outreach centers that go directly to those who are most vulnerable, lonely, and hurting to provide a meal, new socks, toiletries, and connections to resources that offer a way out. Week after week, rain or shine, the Relief Bus throws a party on the sidewalk for anyone and everyone with a very simple message:
“God has not forgotten you. You are not alone. Tomorrow can be better than today.”
Market Street Mission Life Change Program Summer Graduation
Sunday, July 31, 6pm, on the Morristown Green
Join us for an evening of fellowship as we celebrate the men who will be gradating from our addiction recovery program and hear the testimonies of how their lives have been changed through the healing power Christ.
Serve with the Mission |Market Street Mission (MSM) ministers to the homeless, helpless, and hopeless in northern NJ by meeting their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs through a structured program which enables them to lead responsible, productive lives. MSM provides food, shelter, clothing and other necessities, and meets emotional and spiritual needs with guidance and life change programs.
Volunteers from MBC help with meal service on a monthly basis (5 dinner meals) and Thrift Store merchandising and assistance.
For directions to the mission and to read more about what you can expect when serving, click on the Frequently Asked Questions button below.
MSM proudly presents their Spring 2024 testimonies:
MSM proudly presents their Spring 2022 graduation testimonies:
Eyeglasses Needed at Market Street Mission
Many men who come to the Mission for help have poor eyesight. We are collecting and recycling glasses in an effort to help the men in our recovery program with vision loss. If you no longer need your used glasses, please consider donating them to the Market Street Mission. By donating them you can give a gift of vision to someone in need. You can drop off your used glasses at the front desk of the Mission located at 9 Market Street in Morristown, ship them to MSM or call to arrange for a pick up. Contact Nancy Motley at 973-538-6337.
Dates to serve in 2024:
February 19-23
March 18-22
April 15-19
May 20-24
June 17-24
July 15-19
August 19-23
Sept 16-20
October 21-25
November 18-22
December 16-20 Contact the MBC Volunteer Coordinator: Jim Flood.
Praising God for the wonderful Packing Party for Cookies for a Cause! Thank you to everyone who baked cookies, delivered them to the church, and/or participated at our packing party last Saturday. Together, our 53 volunteers packed 556 boxes of cookies which were then donated to our friends at the Market Street Mission and Feeding Hands!
Our Mission: For women in all seasons of life to grow together in Christ by being rooted in God’s Word through Bible Study, to encourage and support one another through fellowship and prayer and reflect the light of Jesus in our homes, workplaces and surrounding communities.
Adult Education Class: Please join us for coffee, fellowship, prayer support and discussion as we move through a book in the Bible verse by verse. We are currently in the Book of John. All are welcome, whether you have been studying the bible for many years or you have just started on your journey in the Word.
Leader: Kim McLaughlin & Jenn Dowden & Lisa Drew & Suzy Parker
Every Sunday
Sundays, AM
8:00am - 8:45am - YFMB 202
Topic: To all the Women of MBC, please set your alarm clocks for an early Sunday morning wake-up and join your sisters in Christ as we gather together to pray. We pray for our church, for each other, for family, for friends, and whatever other needs God puts on our hearts to pray for. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 “Pray without ceasing,”
Leader: Deb Luedecker
Sundays, AM
Fridays 6:30pm – 8pm YFMB Room 201 Begins Jan 19th:
Topic:Learn study skills to go deeper into God’s word as you study the Book of Colossians, Precept Upon Precept, by Precept Ministries. We will be studying what it means to be “complete in Christ”. Is Christ your “all in all” – does He meet all your needs? Don’t let anyone delude you with man-made philosophies or traditions that contradict the Word of God.
Leader:Sharon Williams and Barb Smith
Tuesdays 8pm- 9pm – Zoom/Online Resumes January 23rd:
Partner with us during this season of motherhood on Zoom. Tuesday, 8pm – 9pm. Reach out to Krisana Ukritnukun via email for the Zoom link.
Topic: MBC “Risen Motherhood” Podcast Group is an online community that gathers weekly to reflect on the gospel-hope for moms with young children. Each podcast is about 20 minutes long and brings gospel truths to everyday topics of motherhood. .
“You might think that Scripture doesn’t have much to say about the food you make for breakfast, how you view your postpartum body, or what school choice you make for your children, but a deeper look reveals that the Bible provides the framework for finding answers to your specific questions about modern motherhood.” – Risen Motherhood
Sundays 9am – 10:30am YFMB Room 201 Resumes January 7th:
Topic: Continuing verse by verse study/discussion on the Gospel of John.
We are continuing our study on the book of John, but also enjoy making connections and praying for one another.
Leaders: Jenn Dowden and Kim McLaughlin
Women's Christmas Cafe
Women’s Christmas Cafe
Come and join us for a relaxing Christmas celebration with music, food and friends! Dress fancy (if you would like), bring an appetizer or dessert to share as we mingle in the newly renovated Fellowship Hall.
Take a little time for yourself to pause and fill up your bucket before we pour them out to the ones we love this Christmas.
Invite your mother, neighbors, high school teens, old friends and new. Whoever the Lord is bringing to mind, we would love to have them. If you have any questions contact Jenn Dowden .
Women |Together we strive to connect the women of MBC to become empowered & equipped disciples of Christ. We hope to take part in each other’s life stories and God’s greater narrative. We aspire to broaden and deepen our understanding of God through His Word, Holy Spirit and each other; share in struggles and joys; renew and connect in our communities, families and workplaces.
For more information about events and activities for women, please contact Women’s Ministry Coordinator, Kim McCarthy, at (
The Morning Edition
The Morning Edition
The Evening Edition
Women |Together we strive to connect the women of MBC to become Empowered Disciples of Christ. We hope to take part in each other’s life stories and God’s greater narrative. We aspire to broaden and deepen our understanding of God and each other; share in struggles and joys; renew and connect in our communities, families and workplaces.
Tuesdays: 9:30amMorning Break:Bible Study
Tuesdays: 6:45pm
Evening Edition: Book Club/Bible Study
Our events are intended to encourage Renewal, Growth, Connection & Action within community.
We embrace women from all backgrounds and walks of life to join together in care, growth, love, & faith.
The Women’s Ministry provides opportunities for women from MBC and the surrounding community to connect, grow in their faith, discover ways to partner in ministry, and give back to others.
Are you looking for a place to connect with other women while discovering God’s Word together? Bible studies meet on Tuesday morning and evening in our Youth & Family Ministry Building on campus. We also host various events for women throughout the year. We are passionate about helping women build relationships with God and each other. For more information about MBC’s Women’s Ministry email:Women’s Ministry.
The Morning Edition
Romans 1-7; The Gift of God by Timothy Keller
Tuesday Mornings, 9:30am, YFMB
We want to be right in the eyes of the law of our land, of those we respect, of our loved ones, of those we work with. We strive to gain and then keep this right standing.
But there is another, far better and more important righteousness. A righteousness which changes and liberates every aspect of our lives, and yet which none of us can earn or maintain ourselves. It s a righteousness from God.
Romans 1-7 is all about that righteousness. It shows us why we don’t have it, why we need it, and how we can receive it. It thrills us that the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6 v 23).
These seven studies will help you to understand one of the most-read, most written-about parts of the Bible. And, as they enable you to you unwrap God s precious gift of right standing with him, they ll transform your hearts, lives, identities and perspectives.
We want to be right in the eyes of the law of our land, of those we respect, of our loved ones, of those we work with. We strive to gain and then keep this right standing.
But there is another, far better and more important righteousness. A righteousness which changes and liberates every aspect of our lives, and yet which none of us can earn or maintain ourselves. It s a righteousness from God.
Romans 1-7 is all about that righteousness. It shows us why we don’t have it, why we need it, and how we can receive it. It thrills us that the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6 v 23).
These seven studies will help you to understand one of the most-read, most written-about parts of the Bible. And, as they enable you to you unwrap God s precious gift of right standing with him, they ll transform your hearts, lives, identities and perspectives.
Tuesday Evenings, 6:45pm (starts promptly at 7pm)-8:30pm, Fellowship Hall
What is the deep cry of your heart? The ache in your soul that keeps you up at night? The prayer you keep repeating? Jesus not only cares about this deep, spiritual wrestling, but He also wants to step in and see you through it.
Join Lysa TerKeurst on the streets of Israel to explore the seven I AM statements of Jesus found in the Gospel of John. Through this interactive, in-depth study we will be trading feelings of emptiness and depletion for the fullness of knowing who Jesus is like never before.
The workbook is $15, payable by cash or check. Please invite your friends to come. Contact Irm Smith (908-397-3128) with any questions.
MBC 2024 Annual Business Meeting Wednesday, March 19thOur Annual Business Meeting is an important time for our church as we celebrate all that God is doing ...
Topic: “Job – A Story of Unlikely Joy” by Lisa Harper.
Joy is the constant companion of the woman who trusts in the Lord. And while you can find it in friends, family, and circumstances, unfailing, persistent joy will only ever overflow from your relationship with Jesus. Just ask Job, the man from Uz who clung to God’s goodness while all his worldly joys were stripped away. But how is it possible to hold onto such joy in times of sorrow? In this 7-session study, discover the redemptive facet of Job’s suffering. Learn to view pain as a way to strengthen your faith, point others to the gospel, and trust in the Lord. Because His providence will never take you to a place where His grace will not sustain you.
The next Men’s Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall Cafe: March 15, 8am – 9:30am.
Men’s Ministry provides opportunities for men from MBC and the surrounding community to connect, grow in their faith, discover ways to partner in ministry, and give back to others. Are you looking for a place to connect with other men while discovering God’s Word together?
GREAT NEWS!…Pete Lima is joining the leadership team of the Men’s Ministry! Reach out to him and let him know that you would like to be a part. Email Pete and let him know you are ready to step up to the plate and play on the team
In the past the men have met for Men’s Breakfast on Saturday mornings once a quarter. But now there we will be SO MUCH MORE…guessing the word“pickleball” may be mentioned.
We are committed to helping men build relationships with God and each other. Check back here for upcoming events.
Annual Events: Men’s Activity Night Patriots Baseball Games Radical Mentoring
Our events are intended to encourage Renewal, Growth, Connection & Action within community.
When: Saturday March 15th
Time: 8:00am – 9:30am
Where: Fellowship Hall
What: We invite all men and their sons to join us for a time of comraderie over breakfast at Fellowship Hall. We will have the incredible opportunity to hear the testimony of God’s power at work in the life our our brother Chris Acker. In addition, we will have a time of worship and focused prayer. No registration is required. We will also have an opportunity to support the Teens’ summer mission trip to North Carolina through a bake sale by some of the teen guys at the breakfast. So spread the word and invite a friend!
The Men’s Ministry
“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another” Proverbs 27:17
Limited tickets available! This event is open to everyone, not just the men. Click here to purchase your tickets. ($12/each)
Saturday, December 9, 8:00am – 9:30am, Fellowship Hall
The Men’s Ministry is calling all MBC men and their sons to join us on Saturday, March 9th at 8:00am in Fellowship Hall for a time of fellowship, worship, and encouragement at our next Men’s Ministry breakfast.
It has been said that two of the greatest proofs for the truth of Scripture and Christianity are the number of fulfilled prophecies we see in Scripture and the power of God to change lives. At our upcoming breakfast we will have the opportunity to hear from two of our brothers in the Lord and witness how God pursued them and restored them into a relationship with Jesus Christ. Our brother Amit Nihilani will be sharing the testimony of God’s grace and mercy in their lives.
Your presence will also be an encouragement to the men from Market Street Mission who will also be joining us for this breakfast.
We look forward to seeing you on Saturday March 9th.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact:
All men including fathers and their sons are invited to join this event!
For more information, please contact Pete Lima or calling the church office at 908-647-0594.
Stand Courageous, March 23
“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.” 1 Corinthians 16:13
Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 7:00 AM ET Breakfast, Event Check-in, Onsite Registration
8:00 AM ET
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM ET
Transportation to and from the event will be provided by MBC.
Call 1-800-225-4008 and mention Millington Baptist Church to get the group discount rate:
Group Discount Rate: Groups of 10+ can call to register for a special discounted rate of $49 per person.
First Responders & Active-Duty Military register free with scholarship. ID Verification Required.
Children under 15 can register for a $29 discounted registration.
Students can register for a $29 discounted registration. ID Verification Required.
Call 1-800-225-4008 Mondays through Fridays between 8:30 AM and 5:30 PM ET.
What is Stand Courageous?
Where can men, husbands, and fathers find a model of manhood, leadership, and strength in a culture of gender confusion? We need men to be men, tough with compassionate strength, bent toward justice without compromise, locking arms and standing. We need to be the men God created us to be; warriors for all that is right, true, and just.
Stand Courageous is a ministry that seeks to help men develop a strong biblical character, cultivate positive habits, build and rebuild relationships, and make commitments that will move men closer to God’s good purpose and design – men who will Stand Courageous!
We invite you to join us at a Stand Courageous Men’s Conference to discuss critical aspects of masculinity. These conferences are led by men who struggle with the same issues you do, and will invest in unpacking our role as a defender, provider, instructor, and battle buddy so that we can have the generational influence as a “chaplain” inside and outside the home.
Arlington, TX, January 1-3, 2026 MBC is inviting young adults (ages 18-25, post-HS) to the Passion Conference in Arlington, Texas which will take place January ...
Adult Education | Our education program provides a rich variety of learning opportunities on Sunday mornings to complement the worship experience. Participants explore in depth various books of the Bible or a topic of current and shared interest. Old and young, new and seasoned believers, we never stop learning. All are welcome to take this journey even if you are someone with questions about the faith. Each class provides a combination of leader-led presentation and class discussion that allows us to learn from each other as we study God’s word together. As a result, we grow in our understanding of our Lord and the greater story He’s calling us into.
Women’s Bible Class | Gospel of John
Leaders: Kim McLaughlin & Jenn Dowden & Lisa Drew & Suzy Parker
Please join us for coffee, fellowship, prayer support and discussion as we move through a book in the Bible verse by verse. We are currently in the Book of John. All are welcome, whether you have been studying the bible for many years or you have just started on your journey in the Word.
Class will begin on Sunday, September 15th.
Men’s Class | Genesis
Leader: Paul Achenbach
This class meets weekly on Sunday’s in the YFMB room 202 at 9am.
Our new adult education seminar will start on 2/23 on Biblical conflict resolution. God calls every Christian to be a peacemaker, but what does that look like in real life? Pastor Dave & Ken Huber will be leading this important seminar open to all.
Click HERE to purchase an optional book resource entitled The Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflictby Ken Sande.
Class will begin on Sunday, February 23rd.
Stephen Ministries Class | Christian Caregiving – A Way of Life
Drew Huber
Starting Sunday November 5th.
This class is a brief interactive study of “Christian Caregiving-a way of Life” by Kenneth Haugk. The book is an inspirational guide for Christians who want to empower and improve the quality of the care they give to the people around them.