Weekly Pastors Video: Every week Pastor Bob and special guest brings you some encouraging truths from the Scriptures , current events and let you know how you can connect. You don’t want to miss this important weekly video delivered right here!
Millington Baptist Church
Romans 1-8, But Now: Hope for All Who Fall Short
by Marc DAgusto
A Journey though Romans, Sermon Series

The book of Romans has been called “the greatest letter ever written.” Theologian N.T. Wright said: “Romans is by common consent Paul’s masterpiece. It dwarfs most of his other writings, an Alpine Peak towering over hills and villages.” Over the next few months we will begin to unpack this amazing treatise and we will discover or rediscover God’s amazing doctrines of grace. We will learn about justification, sanctification and glorification, all doctrine which leads to duty or practical application in our lives. The first part of this series will discuss questions such as “Why do we need God’s righteousness?” (1:18 – 3:20). “What is God’s righteousness?” (3:21 – 5:21), and “How does this affect me?” (ch 6-8). The book of Romans was written to “establish” us (16:15) in the Gospel, which is the power of God unto salvation (1:16). This is the foundation upon which we can build our entire Christian lives. This series will deepen your faith, strengthen your walk, and encourage you to live in the victory of the Holy Spirit.
Recommended companion reading:
- Romans for you (Part 1 & 2) – by Tim Keller
- Commentary on Romans – Doug Moo
- Romans – the greatest letter ever written – John Piper – several years long
1/5 – Romans 1:1-17 ~ Introduction to the gospel
1/12 – Romans 1:18-32 ~ Humanity’s Rejection of God – The Exchange
1/19 – SOHLS ~ Special message for Sanctity of Human Life
1/26 – Romans 2:1-16 ~ The Problem with Self Righteousness
2/2 – Romans 2:17-29 ~ The Problem with Jewish Self Righteousness
2/9 – Romans 3:1-20 ~ Universality of Sin
2/16 – Romans 3:21-31 ~ The acropolis of the Christian faith – The Just and the Justifier
2/23 – Romans 4:1-25 ~ Justification by faith
3/1 – Romans 5:1-11 ~ Peace with God
3/8 – Romans 5:12-21 ~ Imputation
3/15 – Romans 6:1-14 ~ Union with Christ (Adam v Christ)
3/22 – Romans 6:15-7:6 ~ Slaves of God
3/29 – Romans 7:7-25 ~ The War within (Part 1)
4/5 – Romans 8:1-11 ~ No Condemnation – PALM SUNDAY
Previous Sermons in this Series
Pastor Dave Hentschel concludes our series in Romans with his sermon entitled, The Last Dance, based on Romans 16.
Romans 2020, Archived Sermon Series, Dave Hentschel
Pastor Bob Erbig continues our series, But Now: Hope for All Who Fall Short, with his sermon, Life in the Spirit.
Romans 2020, Archived Sermon Series, Bob Erbig
Pastor Dave Hentschel continues our series, Romans - But Now: Hope for All Who Fall Short, with his sermon Fighting the War Within.
Romans 2020, Archived Sermon Series, Dave Hentschel
Pastor Bob Erbig continues our series, But Now: Hope for All Who Fall Short, with his sermon, Slaves to Righteousness.
Romans 2020, Archived Sermon Series, Bob Erbig
Pastor Dave Hentschel continues our series, But Now: Hope for All Who Fall Short, with his sermon Dead to Sin (Sanctification).
Romans 2020, Archived Sermon Series, Dave Hentschel
Sermon on deck…
Advent Conspiracy 2019
by Marc DAgusto
Advent Conspiracy, Sermon Series

Are you tired of how consumerism has stolen the soul of Christmas? This year make a difference! Join the groundswell of Christ-followers who are choosing to make Christmas what it should be–a joyous celebration of Jesus’ birth that enriches our hearts and the world around us, not a retail circus that depletes our pocketbooks and defeats our spirits. Substitute compassion for consumption by practicing four simple but powerful countercultural concepts:
1) Worship fully… because Christmas begins and ends with Jesus.
2) Spend less… and free your resources for things that truly matter.
3) Give more… of your hands, your words, your heart.
4) Love all… including the poor, the sick and the forgotten. This year we will have a Christmas worth remembering, not dreading. Because Christmas can still change the world when you, like Jesus, give what matters most – your presence.
12/1 – Worship fully ~Pastor Dave
12/8 – Spend less ~Pastor Bob
12/15 – Give more ~Pastor Dave
12/22 – Love All ~Pastor Dave
12/23 – Christmas Eve-Eve ~Joint Message
12/24 – Christmas Eve ~Joint Message
Recommended companion reading:
- Zondervan Academic Background Article – The Seven Churches of Revelation: Why They Matter and What We Can Learn
- Ada Bible Church did a great series on this.
- John Macarthur “What Jesus Wants Your Church to Know” is in-depth & intense.
Previous Sermons in this Series
Pastor Dave Hentschel kicks off our Advent series, Making Christmas Meaningful (Again), with his sermon, Worship Fully.
Making Christmas Meaningful, Archived Sermon Series, Dave Hentschel
Making Christmas Meaningful, Archived Sermon Series
Sermon on deck…
Expanding the Table for the glory of God, 2020
by Marc DAgusto
Expanding the Table 2020, Vision Refresh

Have you ever stopped and asked the question… what is God calling our church to be? This mission of every church should be to bring glory to God by living out the Great Commandment and Great Commission. But… how is God specifically calling our church to fulfill this mission in our context? Over the next few weeks, we are going to talk about the vision of MBC. At the end of the day the church is a family… and we are meant to live on mission… we are meant to invite more people to the family table. Our hope is this: That we would be moved, that we would be compelled to expand our table for the glory of God. As we do this… barriers would be broken, relationships would be deepened, and the mission would be fulfilled.
11/10 – Finding your Seat at the Table
(Time, Talents, Treasure) ~Pastor Dave
11/17 – Making Room at the Table for Others ~Pastor Bob
11/24 – Blowing the Table Up
(2020 Vision Sunday) ~Pastor Dave & Pastor Bob
Recommended companion reading:
- Zondervan Academic Background Article – The Seven Churches of Revelation: Why They Matter and What We Can Learn
- Ada Bible Church did a great series on this.
- John Macarthur “What Jesus Wants Your Church to Know” is in-depth & intense.
Previous Sermons in this Series
Pastor Bob Erbig concludes the final message of our vision series, Expanding the Table.
Expanding the table 2020, Archived Sermon Series, Bob Erbig
Pastor Bob Erbig continues our new vision series, Expanding the Table, with his sermon, Inviting Others to the Table, based on Ephesians 3.
Expanding the table 2020, Archived Sermon Series, Bob Erbig
Pastor Dave Hentschel kicks off our new vision series, Expanding The Table, with his sermon, Finding Your Seat at the Table, based on Luke 14:16-23; Ps 127:1; 2 Tim 2:1-2.
Expanding the table 2020, Archived Sermon Series, Dave Hentschel
Expanding the table 2020, Archived Sermon Series
His Kingdom Come
by Marc DAgusto
Sermon on deck…
His Kingdom Come. Life of Christ through the book of Mathew

Headline here…
Every person who walks on this earth desires to make a difference. The big questions of life roll through our minds: Who am I? What is my purpose? Will people remember me? The intriguing reality of these questions is that they are linked to a larger question: which kingdom will we serve?
Over 2000 years ago, a man walked on this earth and was not soon forgotten. A vast majority of people know his name. He changed the world and turned reality upside down. The ancient Scriptures tell us that he is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords; the one who gives purpose, passion, and meaning to our very lives. In the most famous sermon ever delivered, he taught his followers to pray that HIS KINGDOM COME and His will would be done on earth as it is in heaven.
The life of Jesus the Christ made the greatest impact on earth ever. He is the KING! And we have a choice: will we serve his kingdom? Our next sermon series will explore the life of Christ as told in the Gospel of Matthew. Our prayer is this: may HIS KINGDOM come in our lives!
Previous Sermons in this Series
Pastor Bob Erbig and Pastor Dave Hentschel close their series "His Kingdom Come" from Matthew 28 with their sermon "The Easter Hunt".
Archived Sermon Series, Sermon Series, His Kingdom Come, Speakers, Bob Erbig, Dave Hentschel, Series Status
Pastor Bob Erbig examines "The Foot of the Cross" in Matthew 27:45-56 on Maundy Thursday in our current sermon series, His Kingdom Come.
Archived Sermon Series, Sermon Series, His Kingdom Come, Speakers, Bob Erbig, Series Status
Pastor Dave continues our series "His Kingdom Come" with this message from Matthew 26:3-16.
Archived Sermon Series, His Kingdom Come, Dave Hentschel
Pastor Bob Erbig continues our series through the book of Matthew with "The End of the World as We Know It" from chapters 24 and 25.
Archived Sermon Series, His Kingdom Come, Bob Erbig
Pastor Bob Erbig explores "The Seven Woes" from Matthew 23 to continue our series, His Kingdom Come.
Archived Sermon Series, His Kingdom Come, Bob Erbig
by Marc DAgusto
Worship | Our weekly Sunday service is the heart of our community. Regular shared time together in worship and fellowship unites us in purpose and encourages our shared vision. Dynamic worship and a rotation of teachers stimulates learning while fostering community. Our desire is to foster a joyful experience! We seek to engage the worshiper in a vibrant, interactive, and Spirit-filled encounter unto our Lord and Savior! Our goal is to make our worship time a life transforming experience that creates fertile soil for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that moves us into resounding praise!
Sunday Services and Special Events:
Sunday Morning Services
Special Events
Get to know our Worship Director
Would you like to be a part of our Worship Team community?
Let us know by filling out the form below.
Our worship services are intended to nurture a love for God and each other, to encourage personal Renewal, Growth, Connection & Action within our community.
We believe we were made to worship the Triune God of Scripture. We also believe God deserves our best. Our worship and a/v teams have the opportunity to engage and direct our church family through heartfelt, corporate worship music and excellent service execution. Our goal is to glorify God through well-crafted services, high quality visual and media, and a progressive traditional style of music which incorporates both modernized traditional worship music and theologically rich songs chosen from the best of what is written today.
MBC 2018 Worship Concert
by Marc DAgusto
Come and worship with our brothers and sisters as they make this profound commitment to the Lord. Witness new life as revealed by the cleansing power of Christ.
If you have not been baptized since becoming a follower of Jesus and would like to learn more about it, you may pick up a Baptism Packet at the Welcome Center, or contact Pastor Dave for more information.
Celebrating New Life | Baptism is a public profession of faith in Christ. We subscribe to baptism by immersion during our worship service as it vividly depicts the reality of new life in Christ.
Why? We are called to be baptized as an outward symbol of the internal reality already taken place in our new life in Christ. Baptism uniquely symbolizes the believer’s union with Christ in his death, burial, and resurrection (Rom. 6:3-5).
How does baptism relate to salvation? Baptism is not a means to salvation; this comes through faith in Jesus and the gift of God’s extravagant grace (Eph. 2:8-9; Gal. 2:16). However, baptism plays a vital role in our first act of commitment and profession of our faith in Christ.
Who should be baptized? We practice believer’s baptism (Acts 2:38, 8:12). For the purposes of MBC Membership, If you were baptized as an infant, we would ask that you be baptized as a mindful believer.
When should my children be baptized?
While we want to celebrate our children when they desire to take important steps of faith, we believe it is wise to wait to baptize a child until he or she has reached a certain level of maturity. Therefore, generally we offer the guidance of encouraging our children to wait until at least twelve years old to make this important decision. While we are willing to discuss exceptions to this general rule, we do believe this position esteems baptism as a one-time act to be anticipated as a public, credible, mature profession of faith. Any questions please speak to one of our pastors. And for more information here is a related article. You can also read our church guidance for Children and Ordinances by downloading it here.
A candidate for baptism should be able to:
- Communicate the gospel as well as an expression of faith in Jesus Christ.
- Show evidence of godly sorrow over sin and repentance which leads to the fruit of the Spirit. (Gal 5:22-23)
- Demonstrate a willingness to turn away from worldly things and live a life abiding and celebrating God’s commands, His testimony about his Son Jesus and loving others as God loves us. (1 John 2:15-17; 5:1-12, Matt. 22:37-39).
How do I give my baptism testimony? On the day of your baptism you are asked to give a testimony to affirm your faith in Jesus. Then you will be lowered into then back out of the water by the pastor. Video testimonies are preferred.
- Please make an appointment to have us video your testimony in advance.
- To prepare, please write out your answers to these questions and rehearse them for your video testimony.
- For your convenience please utilize the following testimony worksheet as a guide to help build your testimony for the service.
Our baptism services are intended to publicly celebrate personal Renewal & Growth in Jesus Christ and spur on Connection & Action within community.
Times & Directions
by MBCAdmin
Indoor Sunday Services:
Can’t make it on a given Sunday?
No worries you still do not have to miss out with 3 ways to connect.
1. Live Stream: Check us out Sunday service live broadcast at 9am and 10:45 each Sunday.
2. Visit our Media or Sermon Archive pages.
We love kids at MBC! On Sunday mornings we provide engaging programs for children in Nursery through 6th grade. This gives your kids an opportunity to discover faith in a dynamic atmosphere that’s safe and fun. Check out our MBC Kids page for more information.
MBC is located at the corner of Valley Road and King George Road in Basking Ridge, just three minutes from exit 36 on I-78.
From the North: South on 287 to exit 26 (Mt. Airy Road/VA Hospital, Liberty Corner) and go left at end of ramp. At second traffic light, make left onto Valley Road. Go past the VA Hospital to the traffic light and make a right. Go 1/4 mile to the first traffic light. As you pass straight through this light, the church is on your left.
From the East: West on Interstate 78 to exit 36. At light go right onto King George Road. Proceed 1 mile north on King George Road. MBC is on the right.
From the South: 287 North to Interstate 78 East. Take Interstate 78E to exit 36. Follow directions “From the west.”
From the West: East on Interstate 78 to exit 36. At light go left onto King George Road. Proceed 1 mile north on King George Road. MBC is on the right.
Locally: Springfield Ave./Valley Road to junction with King George Road. Church is on the corner of King George and Valley Roads.
We appreciate your continued cooperation in following the Campus Guidelines for regathering. Registration for MBC Kids programming is not required, but it is helpful to speed up the check-in process.
Where are we?
What to expect: Sunday Morning Schedule
9am & 10:45am, Nursery: Available for ages birth to 3 yrs.
9am, Sunday School: Pre-school through 6th grade enjoy Bible stories and activities in a safe and fun atmosphere.
10:45am, Junior Church: Pre-school through 4th grade engage with various Bible inspired activities and learning pathways.
10:45am, 2nd & 4th Sundays, The 56ers Pack invites 5th and 6th graders for fun and engaging Bible discussions.
Classes are held at 9am & 10:45am on Sunday mornings. Adult Education groups are for building personal relationships that are a key component of the learning process. Check out our course times and descriptions. |
Can’t make it on a given Sunday?
No worries you still do not have to miss out with 3 ways to connect.
1. Live Steam: Check us out Sunday service live broadcast at 9am and 10:45 each Sunday.
2. Visit our Media or Sermon Archive pages.
MBC is located at the corner of Valley Road and King George Road in Basking Ridge, just three minutes from exit 36 on I-78.
From the North: South on 287 to exit 26 (Mt. Airy Road/VA Hospital, Liberty Corner) and go left at end of ramp. At second traffic light, make left onto Valley Road. Go past the VA Hospital to the traffic light and make a right. Go 1/4 mile to the first traffic light. As you pass straight through this light, the church is on your left.
From the East: West on Interstate 78 to exit 36. At light go right onto King George Road. Proceed 1 mile north on King George Road. MBC is on the right.
From the South: 287 North to Interstate 78 East. Take Interstate 78E to exit 36. Follow directions “From the west.”
From the West: East on Interstate 78 to exit 36. At light go left onto King George Road. Proceed 1 mile north on King George Road. MBC is on the right.
Locally: Springfield Ave./Valley Road to junction with King George Road. Church is on the corner of King George and Valley Roads.
Shuttle Service from
Dewy Meadow
The Shuttle will run from:
8:30am to 12:15pm
every Sunday until June 23. There will be no Shuttle service June 30 – August 25.
Take some of the hassle out of your Sunday morning. The Shuttle will run from:
8:30am to 12:15pm
Two service Summer Sunday
What to expect: Sunday Morning Schedule
9am & 10:45am, Nursery: Available for ages birth to 3 yrs.
9am, Sunday School: Pre-school through 6th grade enjoy Bible stories and activities in a safe and fun atmosphere.
10:45am, Junior Church: Pre-school through 4th grade engage with various Bible inspired activities and learning pathways.
10:45am, 2nd & 4th Sundays, The 56ers Pack invites 5th and 6th graders for fun and engaging Bible discussions.
Can’t make it on a given Sunday?
No worries you still do not have to miss out with 3 ways to connect.
1. Live Steam: Check us out Sunday service live broadcast at 9am and 10:45 each Sunday.
2. Visit our Media or Sermon Archive pages.
MBC is located at the corner of Valley Road and King George Road in Basking Ridge, just three minutes from exit 36 on I-78.
From the North: South on 287 to exit 26 (Mt. Airy Road/VA Hospital, Liberty Corner) and go left at end of ramp. At second traffic light, make left onto Valley Road. Go past the VA Hospital to the traffic light and make a right. Go 1/4 mile to the first traffic light. As you pass straight through this light, the church is on your left.
From the East: West on Interstate 78 to exit 36. At light go right onto King George Road. Proceed 1 mile north on King George Road. MBC is on the right.
From the South: 287 North to Interstate 78 East. Take Interstate 78E to exit 36. Follow directions “From the west.”
From the West: East on Interstate 78 to exit 36. At light go left onto King George Road. Proceed 1 mile north on King George Road. MBC is on the right.
Locally: Springfield Ave./Valley Road to junction with King George Road. Church is on the corner of King George and Valley Roads.
Shuttle service from Dewy Meadow resumes September 8th.
There will be no shuttle service during summer Sundays
One service Summer Sunday
What to expect: Sunday Morning Schedule
MBC is located at the corner of Valley Road and King George Road in Basking Ridge, just three minutes from exit 36 on I-78.
From the North: South on 287 to exit 26 (Mt. Airy Road/VA Hospital, Liberty Corner) and go left at end of ramp. At second traffic light, make left onto Valley Road. Go past the VA Hospital to the traffic light and make a right. Go 1/4 mile to the first traffic light. As you pass straight through this light, the church is on your left.
From the East: West on Interstate 78 to exit 36. At light go right onto King George Road. Proceed 1 mile north on King George Road. MBC is on the right.
From the South: 287 North to Interstate 78 East. Take Interstate 78E to exit 36. Follow directions “From the west.”
From the West: East on Interstate 78 to exit 36. At light go left onto King George Road. Proceed 1 mile north on King George Road. MBC is on the right.
Locally: Springfield Ave./Valley Road to junction with King George Road. Church is on the corner of King George and Valley Roads.
Shuttle Service from
Dewy Meadow
Take some of the hassle out of your Sunday morning. The Shuttle will run from:
9:30am until
20 minutes after service ending.
We especially encourage all who are coming off Rt. 78 to take advantage of the Dewy Meadow parking and Shuttle service in order to free up parking in the MBC lot.
Staff & Leadership
by Marc DAgusto
Staff & Elders
MBC subscribes to the philosophy of shared leadership.
Ministry Directors | Support Staff | Little Footprints Learning Center | Board of Elders
The Pastoral Leadership Team (PLT): MBC subscribes to the philosophy of plurality of leadership. Together, pastors & directors share in the responsibility for leading the day-to-day operations and ministries. Each pastor has specific areas of responsibility and oversight. Together they form a circle of leadership that ensures the mission and policies established by the MBC Elder Board are employed in a way that meets the needs of these areas and recognizes that the spirit of the church is realized when they operate in harmony. This benefits both the pastors and the community.
The Ministry Directors: These spiritually-mature professionals support the church and its leadership by focusing on specific areas of operation. Each of these individuals is guided by the goals of MBC and provides support to the pastoral staff. The biblically-prescribed standards for pastoral leadership give the local church considerable freedom to develop its own model of leadership in order to most effectively reach its community. Various forms, policies and procedures are employed in well governed churches. A church’s history, size, and the stage of development all influence which of the many forms will be the most effective and appropriate for a given organization at a given time.
Meet the MBC Ministry Directors
Bob Erbig
Lead Pastor:
Preaching, Family Life & Mission
Dave Hentschel
Lead Pastor:
Preaching, Spiritual Formation & Care
John Bonaventura
Director of Worship
Johnny Graves
Director of Youth,
Young Adults & Production Ministries
Marc D’Agusto
Director of
Rachel Rickershauser
Co-Director of Children’s Ministries
Lenore Tosi
Co-Director of Children’s Ministries
Amy Huber
Director of Discipleship and Connections
Support Staff
Kristie Gall
Administrative and Financial Manager
Noah Graves
Operations & Ministry Administrator
Tim Youtkus
Production Manager & Office Assistant
Dave Rzewnicki
Facilities Manager
John Bonaventura
Director of Worship
Kamilla Dening
Coordinator of Middle
School Ministries
Noah Graves
Executive Assistant to the Pastoral Leadership Team
Ron Niessen
Audio/Video Support
Dave Rzewnicki
Facilities Manager
Lenore Tosi
MBC Kids Ministry Assistant
Sue Turner
Financial & Donor Relations Manager
Heather Wenzel
Communications & Information Manager
Little Footprints
Learning Center
Kathy Dolbier – Director
Please visit www.littlefootprintsnj.com for information
about programming and enrollment.
Elder Board – Email us at elders@millingtonbaptist.org.
Jeff Callender
Chris Dowden
*Pastor Bob Erbig
Hector Garcell
*Pastor Dave Hentschel
Darren Hernandez (Chair)
Glen Homa
Doug Hulin (Vice Chair)
John McCarthy (Treasurer)
Ken Huber
Rick Splinter
Andrew Strain
Jan Torgrimsen
Paul Wilford
* Pastoral Leadership Team members are ex-officio, non-voting members of the MBC Elder board.
Sunday service preaching rotation:
Our weekly Sunday service is the heart of our community. Regular shared time together in worship and fellowship unites us in purpose and encourages our shared vision. Dynamic worship and a rotation of teachers stimulates learning while fostering community.
- Pastor Bob Erbig
- Pastor Dave Hentschel
MBC Home Page
by MBCAdmin
What to Expect
OUR SUNDAY SERVICE @ 9am & 10:45am
Our weekly Sunday service is the heart of our congregation and a time of renewal. Regularly shared time together in worship and fellowship unites us in purpose and encourages our shared vision. Each Sunday features a diverse crowd of kids, adults, infants, seniors, and teens dressed in everything from jeans and graphic tees to Sunday best. Fun-filled, biblically-based children’s programming, dynamic worship and a rotation of speakers stimulates learning, fosters community and reflects the diversity we value.
Welcome to MBC! If you consider yourself new here, we would love to get to know you and help you get acquainted with our community. Just click the link above and fill out a Connection Form.
8:30am to 12:15pm — The Shuttle: TBD
9am — Adult Education
9am — MBC Kids: Nursery – 6 grade
9am — Teens (Rush Hour)
10:45am — MBC Kids: Nursery – 4 grade; 5 – 6 grades: 2nd & 4th Sundays
9:00am & 10:45am — Sunday Worship Service
- 520 King George Road • Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 • 908-647-0594
SUNDAY AT 9:00am &