The time has come! DR 2024 has begun.

God is good. After some tech shutdowns and delays in the airport we safely landed in Santo Domingo. Ready to take on the week that the Lord has already planned out for us.

Our first day on ground we were able to get out in the capital and experience the people and culture we will be ministering to throughout the week. We handed out tracks with the Romans Road and many were engaged in reading. Many of us getting our Spanish practice in on day 1!

For our first meal in the DR believe it or not we consumed some delicious pizza! Our crew was famished from a day of travel and walking all around the city. NJ has a fight now with where to get the best pizza coming soon!

Our night ended with prep for tomorrow’s day of ministry. Our first stop tomorrow will be at the children’s hospital. We prepped our teams to sing, color, make balloons and pray over the many children we will see. As our Savior displayed in Matthew 14:14, “he saw a great crowd and had compassion on them”, we aim to imitate Christ like this tomorrow.

Be in prayer as we head there to spread Jesus’ love, may lives be changed and hope brought to each child and family.

To close, 40 people on this trip is incredible. Taking over the airports, restaurants and more. Amazed God called each one on this trip and excited to see Him move through each one. May we all be expectant of the Lords work this week!