Kids club. Day 6.

Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God” (Luke 18:16)

What a beautiful day to spend time with the kids from all over these villages. We were able to play games, color, paint nails and enjoy being with one another. It was a joy to see these children light up when they showed up to be with us. It was a difficult goodbye as they left at our time together.

We also were able to help prepare the garden for a refresh with some digging and spreading fresh soil. Not a single rock was brought up from the ground, just fresh soil ready for harvest. We are definitely not in NJ! In addition to that we cleared away lots of debris growing over there fence, a machete may have been used to clear things up!

Later in the day we were able to bring food to another village and bless them with worship, a drama and the gospel. It is beautiful to see these kids pass out food and pray for each person as they leave. It is a wonderful picture of the church being a beacon in the community bringing hope and love to all.

Pray for our team as the heat and long days are impacting us greatly! Pray for endurance as we finish the race set before us. We take off to the girls orphanage tomorrow and excited to spend time with these incredible girls!