Bearing one another’s burdens. Day 2.

If only there were pictures to show everyone what took place today. Words will have to do. Today we went to the children’s hospital to bring some hope and light in a place where many may not have either. Due to the respect and privacy for the children we do not have photos to show what we did.

We witnessed many sad stories of infants sleeping on plastic chairs, many with a ‘bone crushing disease’, the burn unit, doctors scarce to be seen and more. It was an emotional day. Many having to take a moment to gather themselves.

Our team was incredible though. They learned how to create balloon animals and hand them out to the kids and parents. Many sat on the beds of the kids and colored with them. We had a plethora of beanie babies to give to all. We prayed and engaged in conversation with as much as we could. We sang worship songs in Spanish and many sang along with us. We even had one group sing a song back to us, they truly blessed us in that.

Galatians 6:2 says to “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Our kids demonstrated that so well today in all they did. Couldn’t have been more proud of each of them.

Later in the day we had church on shoreline and stood amazed in God’s creation. Look how blue that water is! Great time to worship and reflect on how much God cares for each of us.

Be in prayer for us tomorrow as we head out for the first time this week to the villages. It will truly be a perspective changing day for us all. We covet your prayers!