Pastor Bob Erbig continues our sermon series, Luke Act 4: Stories with Jesus, with his sermon entitled: "Lost on the Jericho Road" based on Luke 18:35-19:10.
Noah Graves continues our sermon series, Luke Act 4: Stories with Jesus with his sermon entitled: "The Parable of the Persistent Widow" based on Luke 18:1-8.
Pastor Dave Hentschel continues our sermon series, Luke Act 4: Stories with Jesus, with his sermon entitled: "The Parable of the Shrewd Manager" based on Luke 16:1-13.
Archived Sermon Series, Dave Hentschel, Luke4 2024
Guest speaker Sidney Bowie continues our sermon series, Luke Act 3: On the Road with Jesus, with his message entitled: "What Kind of Neighbor Are You?"
Pastor Dave Hentschel starts our new sermon series Luke Act 3: On the Road with Jesus, with his sermon entitled: "Following Jesus on the Road" based on Luke 9:51-10:24.
Archived Sermon Series, Dave Hentschel, Luke3 2024