We are excited to announce our new book! Now available on Kindle and in paperback, A Beautiful Mess: Coming from a dysfunctional family doesn’t destine you for a dysfunctional life.Â
Family. This group of people has so much power over us. Our familial experiences forever shape our lives. Truth be told, family can be a source of life-giving joy. Family can also be a source of palpable pain that leaves us angry, confused and unable to move on. And yet… when we search the pages of the Scriptures… we see that families are building blocks of society. In fact, God brought about redemption through a family. In the midst of pain and brokenness, God promises healing through adoption into a new family with him as our heavenly father. In this book, we journey through the biblical account of Genesis addressing challenges facing every one of our families. These challenges make us who we are. But even in the mess of family dysfunction, God can make something beautiful … through the power of the Gospel!
This book is based on a sermon series we preached through the book of Genesis in the Spring of 2019 but has a ton of new content including sections on Addressing the Mess with Boundaries, Addressing the Mess of Addiction and Addressing the Mess caused by Trauma. Check it out!
All proceeds from the purchase of this book go to MBC.