Weekly Pastors Video: Every week Pastor Bob and special guest brings you some encouraging truths from the Scriptures , current events and let you know how you can connect. You don’t want to miss this important weekly video delivered right here!
Sermon Series
Romans 1-8, But Now: Hope for All Who Fall Short
by Marc DAgusto
A Journey though Romans, Sermon Series

The book of Romans has been called “the greatest letter ever written.” Theologian N.T. Wright said: “Romans is by common consent Paul’s masterpiece. It dwarfs most of his other writings, an Alpine Peak towering over hills and villages.” Over the next few months we will begin to unpack this amazing treatise and we will discover or rediscover God’s amazing doctrines of grace. We will learn about justification, sanctification and glorification, all doctrine which leads to duty or practical application in our lives. The first part of this series will discuss questions such as “Why do we need God’s righteousness?” (1:18 – 3:20). “What is God’s righteousness?” (3:21 – 5:21), and “How does this affect me?” (ch 6-8). The book of Romans was written to “establish” us (16:15) in the Gospel, which is the power of God unto salvation (1:16). This is the foundation upon which we can build our entire Christian lives. This series will deepen your faith, strengthen your walk, and encourage you to live in the victory of the Holy Spirit.
Recommended companion reading:
- Romans for you (Part 1 & 2) – by Tim Keller
- Commentary on Romans – Doug Moo
- Romans – the greatest letter ever written – John Piper – several years long
1/5 – Romans 1:1-17 ~ Introduction to the gospel
1/12 – Romans 1:18-32 ~ Humanity’s Rejection of God – The Exchange
1/19 – SOHLS ~ Special message for Sanctity of Human Life
1/26 – Romans 2:1-16 ~ The Problem with Self Righteousness
2/2 – Romans 2:17-29 ~ The Problem with Jewish Self Righteousness
2/9 – Romans 3:1-20 ~ Universality of Sin
2/16 – Romans 3:21-31 ~ The acropolis of the Christian faith – The Just and the Justifier
2/23 – Romans 4:1-25 ~ Justification by faith
3/1 – Romans 5:1-11 ~ Peace with God
3/8 – Romans 5:12-21 ~ Imputation
3/15 – Romans 6:1-14 ~ Union with Christ (Adam v Christ)
3/22 – Romans 6:15-7:6 ~ Slaves of God
3/29 – Romans 7:7-25 ~ The War within (Part 1)
4/5 – Romans 8:1-11 ~ No Condemnation – PALM SUNDAY
Previous Sermons in this Series
Pastor Dave Hentschel concludes our series in Romans with his sermon entitled, The Last Dance, based on Romans 16.
Romans 2020, Archived Sermon Series, Dave Hentschel
Pastor Bob Erbig continues our series, But Now: Hope for All Who Fall Short, with his sermon, Life in the Spirit.
Romans 2020, Archived Sermon Series, Bob Erbig
Pastor Dave Hentschel continues our series, Romans - But Now: Hope for All Who Fall Short, with his sermon Fighting the War Within.
Romans 2020, Archived Sermon Series, Dave Hentschel
Pastor Bob Erbig continues our series, But Now: Hope for All Who Fall Short, with his sermon, Slaves to Righteousness.
Romans 2020, Archived Sermon Series, Bob Erbig
Pastor Dave Hentschel continues our series, But Now: Hope for All Who Fall Short, with his sermon Dead to Sin (Sanctification).
Romans 2020, Archived Sermon Series, Dave Hentschel
Sermon on deck…
Advent Conspiracy 2019
by Marc DAgusto
Advent Conspiracy, Sermon Series

Are you tired of how consumerism has stolen the soul of Christmas? This year make a difference! Join the groundswell of Christ-followers who are choosing to make Christmas what it should be–a joyous celebration of Jesus’ birth that enriches our hearts and the world around us, not a retail circus that depletes our pocketbooks and defeats our spirits. Substitute compassion for consumption by practicing four simple but powerful countercultural concepts:
1) Worship fully… because Christmas begins and ends with Jesus.
2) Spend less… and free your resources for things that truly matter.
3) Give more… of your hands, your words, your heart.
4) Love all… including the poor, the sick and the forgotten. This year we will have a Christmas worth remembering, not dreading. Because Christmas can still change the world when you, like Jesus, give what matters most – your presence.
12/1 – Worship fully ~Pastor Dave
12/8 – Spend less ~Pastor Bob
12/15 – Give more ~Pastor Dave
12/22 – Love All ~Pastor Dave
12/23 – Christmas Eve-Eve ~Joint Message
12/24 – Christmas Eve ~Joint Message
Recommended companion reading:
- Zondervan Academic Background Article – The Seven Churches of Revelation: Why They Matter and What We Can Learn
- Ada Bible Church did a great series on this.
- John Macarthur “What Jesus Wants Your Church to Know” is in-depth & intense.
Previous Sermons in this Series
Pastor Dave Hentschel kicks off our Advent series, Making Christmas Meaningful (Again), with his sermon, Worship Fully.
Making Christmas Meaningful, Archived Sermon Series, Dave Hentschel
Making Christmas Meaningful, Archived Sermon Series
Sermon on deck…
Expanding the Table for the glory of God, 2020
by Marc DAgusto
Expanding the Table 2020, Vision Refresh

Have you ever stopped and asked the question… what is God calling our church to be? This mission of every church should be to bring glory to God by living out the Great Commandment and Great Commission. But… how is God specifically calling our church to fulfill this mission in our context? Over the next few weeks, we are going to talk about the vision of MBC. At the end of the day the church is a family… and we are meant to live on mission… we are meant to invite more people to the family table. Our hope is this: That we would be moved, that we would be compelled to expand our table for the glory of God. As we do this… barriers would be broken, relationships would be deepened, and the mission would be fulfilled.
11/10 – Finding your Seat at the Table
(Time, Talents, Treasure) ~Pastor Dave
11/17 – Making Room at the Table for Others ~Pastor Bob
11/24 – Blowing the Table Up
(2020 Vision Sunday) ~Pastor Dave & Pastor Bob
Recommended companion reading:
- Zondervan Academic Background Article – The Seven Churches of Revelation: Why They Matter and What We Can Learn
- Ada Bible Church did a great series on this.
- John Macarthur “What Jesus Wants Your Church to Know” is in-depth & intense.
Previous Sermons in this Series
Pastor Bob Erbig concludes the final message of our vision series, Expanding the Table.
Expanding the table 2020, Archived Sermon Series, Bob Erbig
Pastor Bob Erbig continues our new vision series, Expanding the Table, with his sermon, Inviting Others to the Table, based on Ephesians 3.
Expanding the table 2020, Archived Sermon Series, Bob Erbig
Pastor Dave Hentschel kicks off our new vision series, Expanding The Table, with his sermon, Finding Your Seat at the Table, based on Luke 14:16-23; Ps 127:1; 2 Tim 2:1-2.
Expanding the table 2020, Archived Sermon Series, Dave Hentschel
Expanding the table 2020, Archived Sermon Series
Seven Churches of Revelation
by Marc DAgusto

In a culture that is increasingly hostile to the Christian faith, people often ask if the Bible is still relevant for today? Is God still speaking? Of course He is. The real question is: Are we listening? Imagine if our church received a letter from Jesus Himself. What would He say about our love for God? Endurance in trials? Faithful service? Would His words bring commendation… or condemnation?
We do, in fact, have such a letter. In Revelation, the last book of the Bible, Jesus’ words to 7 churches are as relevant & today as they were in the 1st century. In this 7-week series– Seven Churches of Revelation — we’ll read Jesus’ 7 letters to 7 churches and
learn how to experience God’s blessing and serve Him effectively in a culture that’s increasingly hostile to faith.
Recommended companion reading:
- Zondervan Academic Background Article – The Seven Churches of Revelation: Why They Matter and What We Can Learn
- Ada Bible Church did a great series on this.
- John Macarthur “What Jesus Wants Your Church to Know” is in-depth & intense.
Study Guides are available for $5*
To spark discussion with your MBC Small Group we have a Study Guide to help you follow along with the sermons. These are available in the lobby for $5 each, payable in cash, check (made out to MBC), or via Pushpay using the link above (recommended).
If using Pushpay, when you complete your purchase you will receive a message “thanking you for your purchase“. Please show this receipt as proof of purchase when you pick up your guide.
*For your records, this is not a tax-deductible donation
Previous Sermons in this Series
Pastor Bob Erbig will explore the topic of abortion and the value of each and every human life. We recognize that this sermon topic may be unsuitable for some children...
Seven Churches of Revelation, Romans 2020, Archived Sermon Series, Bob Erbig
Pastor Bob Erbig concludes our series, Se7en, with his sermon addressing the church at Laodicea from Revelation 3:14-22.
Seven Churches of Revelation, Archived Sermon Series, Bob Erbig
Pastor Dave Hentschel continues our series, Se7en, with his sermon addressing the church at Philadelphia from Revelation 3:7-13.
Seven Churches of Revelation, Archived Sermon Series, Dave Hentschel
Pastor Bob Erbig continues our series, Se7en, with his sermon addressing the church at Sardis from Revelation 3:16.
Seven Churches of Revelation, Archived Sermon Series, Bob Erbig
Paster Bob Erbig continues our series, Se7en, with his sermon, Thyatira: The Compromising Church, addressing the church at Thyatira from Revelation 2:18-29.
Seven Churches of Revelation, Archived Sermon Series, Bob Erbig
Sermon Series: At the Movies
by Marc DAgusto
At the Movies. A sermon series that explores bold biblical themes through the lens of current popular moves.

A Sermon Series on Sharing your faith in your own backyard.
MBC’s At The Movies sermon series explores bold biblical themes through the lens of current popular moves: sacrifice, resurrection, identity, reality, and God’s desire to welcome you into His Kingdom community. Spread the word and don’t miss out on this exciting series at MBC!
Recommended companion reading:
Sermon on deck…
Previous Sermons in this Series
Pastor Bob Erbig addresses the topics of addiction, substance abuse, and the hope and joy of recovery in recognition of National Recovery Month with his sermon entitled "Ending the Pandemic".
At the Movies, Archived Sermon Series, Bob Erbig
Pastor Bob Erbig's message explores the spiritual themes in Avengers: Endgame as he continues our At The Movies sermon series.
At the Movies, Archived Sermon Series, Bob Erbig
Pastor Dave Hentschel explores the spiritual themes in The Greatest Showman with his message named the same, as he continues our At The Movies sermon series.
At the Movies, Archived Sermon Series, Dave Hentschel
Johnny Graves, Director of Youth, Young Adults & Production Ministries, explores the spiritual themes in Ready Player One with his message Reality is Real as he continues our At The...
At the Movies, Archived Sermon Series, Johnny Graves
MBC’s At The Movies sermon series explores bold biblical themes through the lens of current popular moves: sacrifice, resurrection, identity, reality, and God’s desire to welcome you into His Kingdom...
At the Movies, Archived Sermon Series
Salt Light and Barbecue Sauce
by Marc DAgusto
Salt Light & Barbecue Sauce. Building a longer table, not a higher fence.

A Sermon Series on Sharing your faith in your own backyard.
How do you share your faith in a natural setting? You’re not a high pressured sales person and you don’t want to get into a religious debate, you just want to be obedient to the Lord. Why is it that sharing our faith can feel scary or awkward? How do you open up spiritual conversations? Imagine you are having a BBQ and you have invited non-Christians to your home. You are sharing your gift of hospitality but would also like to talk to them about the most important thing in your life – the gospel. This series will break down the process in simple steps and equip you to be able to open up a dialogue with those you know about the gospel. Be equipped and encouraged through this exciting new series on personal evangelism.
Recommended companion reading:
Previous Sermons in this Series
Ed Williams concludes our Salt, Light, & Barbecue Sauce series with his sermon entitled "Salt and Light" based on Matthew 5:13-14.
Salt Light and Barbecue Sauce, Archived Sermon Series
Clint Watkins, one of our World Partners, continues our Salt, Light, & BBQ Sauce series with his sermon titled "Evangelism: Seeing Jesus" based on John 1:35-51.
Salt Light and Barbecue Sauce, Archived Sermon Series, World Partner
Pastor Dave Hentschel continues our 4-week series "Salt, Light & Barbeque Sauce" with his sermon entitled "Offer Them Something To Drink" from John 4:3-26.
Salt Light and Barbecue Sauce, Archived Sermon Series, Dave Hentschel
Pastor Bob Erbig continues our 4-week series "Salt, Light & Barbecue Sauce" with his sermon entitled "Provoked! The Why of Evangelism" from Acts 17:16-18.
Salt Light and Barbecue Sauce, Archived Sermon Series, Bob Erbig
Pastor Dave Hentschel kicks-off our new series: Salt, Light, & BBQ Sauce, with his sermon entitled "What is Evangelism?" based on Matthew 5:13-16.
Salt Light and Barbecue Sauce, Archived Sermon Series, Dave Hentschel