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For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart. ~1 Sam 16:7 The books of 1 and 2 Samuel are a historic account of how a loose confederacy of tribes comes together under the banner of a united nation and monarchy...
When the root is bitterness, imagine what the fruit might be. Have you ever tried to change something about yourself but been frustrated that you couldn't? In this series you will learn about the distinctive nature of Christian change and how it is directly related to understanding and embracing the Gospel of Jesus...
Detox with the spiritual light and power of the Gospel. This series is a practical experiential, topical series geared toward intentional Spiritual Formation as a congregational initiative and a church wide discipleship campaign. If you’re a new believer, a seasoned saint, a parent, a pastor, a teacher, a coach, a business executive, a...
Rescued from Darkness Into the Hands of God The Book of Exodus (meaning “Exit”) is the great story of the OT people of God. It’s all about God remembering His covenant, having compassion on His people who are in bondage to slavery, and bringing them out with a mighty hand and leading them...
Are We Living in Different Realities?Have you ever had a conversation where you felt you were using the same words with different meanings? Almost like the other person was living in a different reality? This is the great challenge of our modern world. People are talking past each other because, in many cases...
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