A Sermon Series on Discipleship
This series is a practical experiential, topical series geared toward intentional Spiritual Formation as a congregational initiative and a church wide discipleship campaign. If you’re a new believer, a seasoned saint, a parent, a pastor, a teacher, a coach, a business executive, a social worker or anyone committed to changing and helping others change, this series will have great application for you. This series will overview time-tested principles of spiritual growth. It will cover 12 “rules” for the spiritual life. A “rule” is an organized spiritual guide or a way of living. There are 12 key areas of discipleship. A disciple is a follower of Jesus, a learner. These principles are designed to make you, a disciple of Jesus Christ, more like Jesus Christ, which is the goal of spiritual formation. This series will involve a small group initiative workbook for going deeper, available for reuse in the future.
Be like a Tree…

This series is a practical experiential, topical series geared toward intentional Spiritual Formation as a congregational initiative and a church wide discipleship campaign. If you’re a new believer, a seasoned saint, a parent, a pastor, a teacher, a coach, a business executive, a social worker or anyone committed to changing and helping others change, this series will have great application for you. This series will overview time-tested principles of spiritual growth. It will cover 12 “rules” for the spiritual life. A “rule” is an organized spiritual guide or a way of living. There are 12 key areas of discipleship. A disciple is a follower of Jesus, a learner. These principles are designed to make you, a disciple of Jesus Christ, more like Jesus Christ, which is the goal of spiritual formation. This series will involve a small group initiative workbook for going deeper, available for reuse in the future.
- Cultivating the Christian Life – a workbook by MBC. Please pick up a copy in the lobby on Sunday morning, in the church office during the week, or click HERE for the PDF Beta version.
11/29 – Week 1 – KING OF HOPE: – BOB
12/6 – Week 2 – KING OF PEACE – DAVE
12/13 – Week 3 – KING OF JOY – DAVE
12/20 – Week 4 – KING OF LOVE – BOB
12/23 – Christmas Eve Eve – The King is Here
12/24 – Christmas Eve – same as above
1. Tim Keller’s, “Hidden Christmas”
2. Tim Keller – Message on Psalm 2 “Jesus our King”
We have a king 2. We hate the king 3. We need the king)
3. John Piper – “Coronavirus and Christ.” E BOOK https://document.desiringgod.org/coronavirus-and-christ-en.pdf?ts=1586278809
11/29 – Week 1 – KING OF HOPE: – BOB
How has this year devastated your hopes? This sermon should focus on the Promised King of the OT, predictions, types and shadows in all the OT Kings
Text ideas: OT Prophecies; Isa 9, Micah 5, other types and shadows, David, Solomon, etc. (other texts as needed)
12/6 – Week 2 – KING OF PEACE – DAVE
How has this year destroyed your peace? This sermon focuses on Jesus as a different kind of King, compared to King Herod, a ruthless, arrogant tyrant, Jesus came to bring peace through humility and sacrifice, ”God and sinners reconciled.” Text ideas: Matthew 2; Romans 5:1 (other texts as needed)
12/13 – Week 3 – KING OF JOY – DAVE
How has this year stolen your joy? This sermon focuses on the unshakeable source of joy as we rejoice in God our savior. Text ideas: Luke 1 – The Magnificat; Luke 2 – “Good tidings of great joy” (other texts as needed)
12/20 – Week 4 – KING OF LOVE – BOB
How has this year threatened our love for others? How is Jesus the answer as the one who loved his enemies and His kingdom shows a better way.
Text idea: John 3:16; Romans 5:8 (Other texts as needed)
12/23 – Christmas Eve Eve – The King is Here
This has been a very difficult year. How can the message of Christmas be exactly what we need in 2020?
How can the presence of our savior make a difference in our shattered lives?
12/24 – Christmas Eve – same as above
Previous Sermons
Sermon on deck…