Latest Happenings at MBC
Faith - Working with World Venture in Austria
Faith continues to work with women who are trapped in sex trafficking and prostitution in Vienna, Austria. The women she works with are living under severe duress, and there have been some health and financial matters to address. Recently, they were encouraged by spending some time at a WorldVenture retreat. Currently, Faith and her husband Craig are home in the states working on visitation and financial support and will be visiting MBC in January. Pray that Faith and Craig will continue to feel close to Christ during these challenging times.
MBC is thrilled to be a part of the emerging growth of God’s redemption and mission for our church.
In the year 2025, we will accomplish our vision of increased cultural engagement by equipping the MBC body of believers, working with our local and global partners, and continuing campus upgrades.
Click HERE to check out MBC’s 2025 “Vision” webpage.
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520 King George Rd. Basking Ridge, NJ 07920
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