Sunday Morning Seminars & Classes
Adult Education | Our education program provides a rich variety of learning opportunities on Sunday mornings to complement the worship experience. Participants explore in depth various books of the Bible or a topic of current and shared interest. Old and young, new and seasoned believers, we never stop learning. All are welcome to take this journey even if you are someone with questions about the faith. Each class provides a combination of leader-led presentation and class discussion that allows us to learn from each other as we study God’s word together. As a result, we grow in our understanding of our Lord and the greater story He’s calling us into.
Women’s Bible Class | Gospel of John
Leaders: Kim McLaughlin & Jenn Dowden & Lisa Drew & Suzy Parker
Please join us for coffee, fellowship, prayer support and discussion as we move through a book in the Bible verse by verse. We are currently in the Book of John. All are welcome, whether you have been studying the bible for many years or you have just started on your journey in the Word.
Class will begin on Sunday, September 15th.
Men’s Class | Genesis
Leader: Paul Achenbach
This class meets weekly on Sunday’s in the YFMB room 202 at 9am.
Class will begin on Sunday, September 8th 2024.
Adult Class | Peacemakers
Leaders: David Hentschel & Ken Huber
Our new adult education seminar will start on 2/23 on Biblical conflict resolution. God calls every Christian to be a peacemaker, but what does that look like in real life? Pastor Dave & Ken Huber will be leading this important seminar open to all.
Click HERE to purchase an optional book resource entitled The Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict by Ken Sande.
Class will begin on Sunday, February 23rd.
Stephen Ministries Class | Christian Caregiving – A Way of Life
Drew Huber
Starting Sunday November 5th.
This class is a brief interactive study of “Christian Caregiving-a way of Life” by Kenneth Haugk. The book is an inspirational guide for Christians who want to empower and improve the quality of the care they give to the people around them.
Class Meets Every Sunday for a total of 4 weeks
Pastor Dave Hentschel
Lead Pastor: Preaching, Spiritual Formation & Care