Johnny Graves, MBC’s Summer Pastoral Intern, continues our series on the Summer Parables with the Parable of the Pharisee and Tax Collector.
Vimeo Video tag: Millington Baptist Church
Catalyst Team Update
Pastor Bob Erbig and Elder Darren Hernandez provide an update to the congregation at MBC about the formation of the Catalyst Team.
07-20-14 (29 min); Luke 18:1-8; Parable of the Persistent Widow; Bob Erbig
Pastor Bob Erbig continues our Summer Parables series with the Parable on the Persistent Widow.
07-13-13 (43min); Luke 10:25-27;Parable of the Good Samaritan; Rob Mittuch
Rob Mittuch continues our series Summer Parables: Where are you in the story? with the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
07-06-14 (33min); Matthew 13:24-43; Parable of the Sower; Bob Erbig
Pastor Bob Erbig begins our summer series “The Summer Parables: Where are You in the Story?” with the Parable of the Sower.
06-29-14; Luke 18:18-30; “Commitment… Interrupted”; Paul Ciotta
Paul Ciotta speaks on “Commitment….Interrupted” based on Luke 18:18-30.