“A Legacy of Gospel Ministry”

Pastor Bob Erbig continues through the book of Acts in our series “The Gospel Continues UNHINDRED to the ends of the Earth” with his sermon “A Legacy of Gospel Ministry” from chapter 19:8-27.

A Legacy of Gospel Ministry

Pastor Bob Erbig continues to lead us through the book of Acts series “The Gospel Continues UNHINDERED to the ends of the Earth” with his sermon “A Legacy of Gospel Ministry” from chapter 20.

“Unified Servants” 2-26-17

Pastor Bob Erbig continues our series “Sent to the Ends of the Earth, a journey through the book of Acts” by teaching from chapter 6 about “Unified Servants”.

“Vines & Branches”

Johnny Graves challenges us for the New Year out of John 15 with his message “Vines & Branches”.