Are We Living in Different Realities?

Have you ever had a conversation where you felt you were using the same words with different meanings? Almost like the other person was living in a different reality? This is the great challenge of our modern world. People are talking past each other because, in many cases they have a completely different view of the world. It’s almost like some people have a piece of the puzzle, but have never viewed the whole picture.
Paul wrote this to the church in Colossae: “See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ (2:8).” Now more than ever it is crucial that followers of Christ have a view of the world grounded in Scripture. Too often, followers of Christ are taken captive by the stories, the messages of the world. We can easily believe a different story. This series will help Christians form a worldview rooted in the Scriptures and teach them how do have conversations with their friends about the gospel. The only story rooted in reality in the Gospel… can you tell it?
Weekly Theme Resources:
ORIGIN: Key Resources
- Book: Four Views on Creation, Evolution and Intelligent Design (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2017).
- Article: “Creation, Evolution, and Christian Laypeople” by Tim Keller
- Video: James Tour “The Mystery of the Origin of Life”
IDENTITY: Key Resources
- Book: Trueman, Carl. The Rise and Triumph of The Modern Self. (Wheaton IL: Crossway, 2020)
- Article: “What is Our Christian Identity in this Anonymous Age?”
- Video: Rethink the Self
MEANING: Key Resources
- Book: DeYoung, Kevin. Just Do Something. (Chicago: Moody, 2009).
- Article: Go to work on Purpose
- Video: John Piper, “Don’t Waste Your Life.”
MORALITY: Key Resources
- Book: Tim Keller, Making Sense of God. (New York: Penguin Books, 2016).
- Article: “The Challenge of Relativism” by John Piper (2007 Conference message)
- Video: Charles Colson on Ethics and Culture
DESTINY: Key Resources
- Book: Chan, Francis. Erasing Hell. (Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook, 2011)
- Article: Greg Koukl, “Am I Going To Hell?”:
- Video: Tim Keller, “Jesus Vindicated”
11/29 – Week 1 – KING OF HOPE: – BOB
12/6 – Week 2 – KING OF PEACE – DAVE
12/13 – Week 3 – KING OF JOY – DAVE
12/20 – Week 4 – KING OF LOVE – BOB
12/23 – Christmas Eve Eve – The King is Here
12/24 – Christmas Eve – same as above
General Worldview Resources:
- Anderson, James. What’s Your Worldview? (Wheaton IL: Crossway, 2014)
- Brown, William & Gary Phillips & John Stonestreet. Making Sense of Your World. (Salem, WI: Sheffield Publishing, 2008).
- Colson, Charles. How Now Shall We Live? (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale, 1999).
- Gay, Craig. The Way of The (Modern) World. (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1998)
- Godowa, Brian. Hollywood Worldviews. (Downers Grove, IL: IVP, 2002)
- Gould, Paul. Cultural Apologetics. (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2019)
- Koukl, Greg. The Story of Reality. (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2017)
- McLaughlin, Rebecca. Confronting Christianity. (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2019)
- Mclaughlin, Rebecca. Secular Creed. (Austin, TX: The Gospel Coalition, 2021).
- Sire, James. The Universe Next Door. (Downers Grove, IL: IVP, 2020-6th)
- Sherman, Amy. Kingdom Calling. (Downers Grove, IL: IVP, 2011).
- Sunshine, Glenn. Why You Think The Way You Do. (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2009).
- Breakpoint This Week:
- The Briefing w/ Albert Mohler:
- “How Your Worldview Matters for Every Area of Life,” Brett Kunkle:
- “The Story of Reality,” Greg Koukl:
- “The Critical Nature of Clarifying Your Worldview,” John Stonestreet:
- “Christian Worldview” Voddie Bauchum:
- “Apologetics and Postmodernism,” James White:
- The Bible Project:
- What Would You Say?
- John Lennox, “The Loud Absence: Where is God in Suffering?”
- John Lennox, “Answering the New Atheists Objections and Fallacies.”
11/29 – Week 1 – KING OF HOPE: – BOB
How has this year devastated your hopes? This sermon should focus on the Promised King of the OT, predictions, types and shadows in all the OT Kings
Text ideas: OT Prophecies; Isa 9, Micah 5, other types and shadows, David, Solomon, etc. (other texts as needed)
12/6 – Week 2 – KING OF PEACE – DAVE
How has this year destroyed your peace? This sermon focuses on Jesus as a different kind of King, compared to King Herod, a ruthless, arrogant tyrant, Jesus came to bring peace through humility and sacrifice, ”God and sinners reconciled.” Text ideas: Matthew 2; Romans 5:1 (other texts as needed)
12/13 – Week 3 – KING OF JOY – DAVE
How has this year stolen your joy? This sermon focuses on the unshakeable source of joy as we rejoice in God our savior. Text ideas: Luke 1 – The Magnificat; Luke 2 – “Good tidings of great joy” (other texts as needed)
12/20 – Week 4 – KING OF LOVE – BOB
How has this year threatened our love for others? How is Jesus the answer as the one who loved his enemies and His kingdom shows a better way.
Text idea: John 3:16; Romans 5:8 (Other texts as needed)
12/23 – Christmas Eve Eve – The King is Here
This has been a very difficult year. How can the message of Christmas be exactly what we need in 2020?
How can the presence of our savior make a difference in our shattered lives?
12/24 – Christmas Eve – same as above
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