Rescued from Darkness Into the Hands of God

The Book of Exodus (meaning “Exit”) is the great story of the OT people of God. It’s all about God remembering His covenant, having compassion on His people who are in bondage to slavery, and bringing them out with a mighty hand and leading them on to the promised land. Their story is our story. Like them, we too were in bondage to slavery to sin. Like them, God sent us a redeemer. Like them, God bought us back to set us free. Like them, God brings us out, to bring us toward Himself. Do you need God’s rescue? Do you need to grow in awe of the Lord? Do you need to experience freshly His power, redemption, and leading in your life today? This series through Exodus will teach us in a fresh way how the God of Moses, “I Am,” is still our God today.
- Background Notes on Exodus – Dave Hentschel
11/29 – Week 1 – KING OF HOPE: – BOB
12/6 – Week 2 – KING OF PEACE – DAVE
12/13 – Week 3 – KING OF JOY – DAVE
12/20 – Week 4 – KING OF LOVE – BOB
12/23 – Christmas Eve Eve – The King is Here
12/24 – Christmas Eve – same as above
1. Tim Keller’s, “Hidden Christmas”
2. Tim Keller – Message on Psalm 2 “Jesus our King”
We have a king 2. We hate the king 3. We need the king)
3. John Piper – “Coronavirus and Christ.” E BOOK
11/29 – Week 1 – KING OF HOPE: – BOB
How has this year devastated your hopes? This sermon should focus on the Promised King of the OT, predictions, types and shadows in all the OT Kings
Text ideas: OT Prophecies; Isa 9, Micah 5, other types and shadows, David, Solomon, etc. (other texts as needed)
12/6 – Week 2 – KING OF PEACE – DAVE
How has this year destroyed your peace? This sermon focuses on Jesus as a different kind of King, compared to King Herod, a ruthless, arrogant tyrant, Jesus came to bring peace through humility and sacrifice, ”God and sinners reconciled.” Text ideas: Matthew 2; Romans 5:1 (other texts as needed)
12/13 – Week 3 – KING OF JOY – DAVE
How has this year stolen your joy? This sermon focuses on the unshakeable source of joy as we rejoice in God our savior. Text ideas: Luke 1 – The Magnificat; Luke 2 – “Good tidings of great joy” (other texts as needed)
12/20 – Week 4 – KING OF LOVE – BOB
How has this year threatened our love for others? How is Jesus the answer as the one who loved his enemies and His kingdom shows a better way.
Text idea: John 3:16; Romans 5:8 (Other texts as needed)
12/23 – Christmas Eve Eve – The King is Here
This has been a very difficult year. How can the message of Christmas be exactly what we need in 2020?
How can the presence of our savior make a difference in our shattered lives?
12/24 – Christmas Eve – same as above
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