Advent Conspiracy, Sermon Series

Are you tired of how consumerism has stolen the soul of Christmas? This year make a difference! Join the groundswell of Christ-followers who are choosing to make Christmas what it should be–a joyous celebration of Jesus’ birth that enriches our hearts and the world around us, not a retail circus that depletes our pocketbooks and defeats our spirits. Substitute compassion for consumption by practicing four simple but powerful countercultural concepts:
1) Worship fully… because Christmas begins and ends with Jesus.
2) Spend less… and free your resources for things that truly matter.
3) Give more… of your hands, your words, your heart.
4) Love all… including the poor, the sick and the forgotten. This year we will have a Christmas worth remembering, not dreading. Because Christmas can still change the world when you, like Jesus, give what matters most – your presence.
12/1 – Worship fully ~Pastor Dave
12/8 – Spend less ~Pastor Bob
12/15 – Give more ~Pastor Dave
12/22 – Love All ~Pastor Dave
12/23 – Christmas Eve-Eve ~Joint Message
12/24 – Christmas Eve ~Joint Message
Recommended companion reading:
- Zondervan Academic Background Article – The Seven Churches of Revelation: Why They Matter and What We Can Learn
- Ada Bible Church did a great series on this.
- John Macarthur “What Jesus Wants Your Church to Know” is in-depth & intense.
Previous Sermons in this Series
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