This week the U.S. Supreme Court has issued a ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade, effectively ending the nation's constitutional right to abortion and sending the issue back to the states.
How should we as Christians make sense of this monumental news?
Here at MBC, we are passionate about life and we have prayerfully considered this issue for many years. In our MBC position paper on abortion, we state the following:
"Our desire is not to oppose the legitimate rights of women or to limit their options for the responsible care of the children to whom they give birth. We do want to protect the innocent because the Bible teaches,
- that God is the creator and sustainer of life, and that He forbids the unjust taking of innocent, human life (Gen. 2:7; 30:2,22; Ex. 20:13)
- that the living, but as yet unborn child is a person from the time of conception (Psalm 139:13; Jer. 1:5)
- that the unborn child stands under the protection of God’s commandment which says, “You shall not murder” (Ex. 20:l3)
- that it is the moral duty of every human being to protect and defend the innocent and defenseless from injustice (Prov. 24:11,12)
- that abortion, in that it destroys an innocent, human life, is not a moral option in matters of family planning, birth control, or dealing with an unwanted pregnancy
Because we hold these convictions, we encourage our members and friends,
- to secure for these defenseless and innocent persons the due protection of law from the deadly threat of abortion
- to offer as an alternative to the immoral choice of abortion, understanding and compassionate help to mothers who face a crisis pregnancy
- to provide assistance in opening hearts and homes for unwanted babies
- to offer the compassionate friendship and forgiveness available in Christ to those who have had an abortion
- to encourage agencies that will champion the needs of unborn children and their families, especially those that share the message of Christ as well as the resources for physical and emotional care
- to speak and act as responsible citizens in the social and political arenas of our nation on behalf of the living, but as yet unborn, whose lives are threatened by abortion
- to oppose the immoral view that abortion is an unquestioned “right” of citizens of this country
- to reject the stance that abortion, involving as it does an innocent victim, is a matter of personal privacy.
As men and women who are commanded to act on behalf of the Living Savior, we call all people:
- to repent of the callous and self—centered attitudes which have allowed us to ignore the plight of these innocent victims for so long
- to defend the sanctity, dignity, and worth of the unborn, from conception to birth
- to stand with us in conscience opposed to any different message based on human reasoning without regard for the word of God."
What should we as Christians do?
- Pray fervently. Pray that in the days to come all life would be protected by our nation's laws.
- Care Compassionately: Love the women around you who are experiencing an unwanted pregnancy and need support and compassion in their time of fear and need.
- Give financially. Support those on the front lines such as First Choice Women's Resource Center.
- Proclaim the Gospel boldly. Hope, forgiveness and healing comes through placing our faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ alone.
Here are some more resources on the Sanctity of Human Life:
- Watch this recent sermon on The Dignity of the Unborn by Pastor Dave
- Read this article by David Platt: How Should Christians Respond to the Dobbs Decision?
- Purchase this Book: Life, Marriage and Religious Liberty Life, Marriage, and Religious Liberty: What Belongs to God, What Belongs to Caesar. by David S. Dockery and John Stonestreet
- Rent this critically acclaimed documentary film: Unplanned featuring the story of Abby Johnson
- Read this article: “Why Abortion Makes Sense.” by Jonathan Leeman and Matt Arbo
- Read this article: “Rebutting Objections to the Pro Life Position.” by TableTalk Magazine
David Hentschel serves as Lead Pastor: Preaching, Spiritual Formation and Care at Millington Baptist Church in Basking Ridge, NJ. He is a graduate of Philadelphia Biblical University and Dallas Theological Seminary. He and his wife Juli enjoy three children.
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Pastor Bob Erbig and Pastor Dave Hentschel