In Philippians 3:1-11, the Apostle Paul talks about righteousness. But, this begs the question, why is he talking about righteousness in the middle of the book of Philippians? What does righteousness have to do with joy?
Well, there was a group of people causing issues amongst many of the early Christians. And that group of people were referred to as "the Judaizers". The Judaizers were trying to impose adherence to the Old Testament law as a necessary requirement in order to be saved and to truly be one of God's people. So, Paul is addressing this issue here in Philippians 3:1-11.
Throughout this section of Philippians, Paul makes it abundantly clear that one is not made righteous through adherence to the law. Rather, he proclaims the truth that one is only made righteous through faith. Faith in Jesus. Faith in what Jesus did. Faith in the gospel. And so it is so important to remember as Christians that this truth is the foundation for our ultimate joy. Because if we try to rejoice in anything else it will fade and fall short. But, if we rejoice in Jesus and if we rejoice in what he did on the cross, then we will never lose that joy. No one can ever take that joy from us because we are secure in our salvation that is from God himself.
So, please carry that truth with you this week that your joy is in the Lord. And that is good news because that is everlasting joy. Glory be to God for giving us his precious son and giving us unspeakable joy in Him.
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Pastor Bob Erbig and Pastor Dave Hentschel