- page link:
- Landing page for Sermon Archive
- Displays list of current sermons, followed by previous sermons
- Archive search (incl textbox, categories, tags) in right sidebar (desktop/tablet)
- page link:
- page link:
- Landing Page for ARCHIVE SEARCH
- DEFAULT: list of sermon videos on left sorted new->old
- SEARCH RESULTS: list of filtered sermon videos on left
- SEARCH FORM on right sidebar
- Return to Archive button
- page link:
- ARCHIVE LANDING PAGE – Sermon Series List
- Uses “AE – Post Blocks” widget to display list of sermon series
- Widget uses AE Template: “Sermon Archive Page – Sermon Series with Thumbnail”
- template link:
- ARCHIVE SEARCH PAGE – Sermon Video List (Search Results)
- Uses “AE – Post Blocks” widget to display list of sermon videos
- Widget uses AE Template: “Sermon Series Video List – Single Video Item – with Thumbnail”
- template link:
- Sermon Series Landing Page – Sermon Video List (E.g., Messiah Landing Page)
- Uses “AE – Post Blocks” widget to display list of sermon videos in this series
- Widget uses AE Template: “Sermon Series Video List – Single Video Item – no Thumbnail”
- template link:
- Widget needs to be set to specific “Sermon Video Category” per landing page in widget settings->Sermon Video Categories
- SERMON VIDEO POST PAGES (aka Vimeo Video Posts)
- Full-page override using Elementor “single” template, set to override all vimeo video post pages with Elementor layout
- (LEFT COL) Uses “Tabs” widget for “watch” and “listen”
- (LEFT COL) Uses HTML widget to add javascript to enable watch/listen link capabilities to buttons in other templates
- (RIGHT COL) Uses AE – Post Blocks widget to display related videos
- Widget set to match with any category of viewed video
- This allows relation by speaker AND series
- sorted by reverse chronological order
- adjustable in widget settings
- Widget set to match with any category of viewed video
- template link: