MBC Kids
We love kids at MBC!
On Sunday mornings we provide engaging programs for children ages preschool through 6th grade. This gives your kids an opportunity to discover faith in a dynamic atmosphere that’s safe and fun.
Special update: we are launching a new electronic check-in system this fall!
Parents will be able to check in all of their kids at any of the 4 stations: nursery, sanctuary foyer, and 2 stations in Connection Corner (Education building). Kids will receive a name tag, and parents will receive a tag with matching numbers. Parents must show their tag in order to pick up their kids.
Interested in serving with kids? We’re praying for the following roles to be filled: assistant teacher, check-in, and nursery. Contact Rachel Rickershauser for more information.
Outdoor in-person program is during the 10:15am service.
Ages preschool-6th graders (see the link below for more details about preschoolers and Kindergarteners).
Kids are dismissed to the program during the sermon.
Masks are required
Pre-registration is highly recommended as there is a maximum of 15 kids.
Click HERE for ALL the details about our outdoor program!
Elementary Zoom Class is Sundays at 11:30am
Time: Sundays at 11:30am
Ages: K-4th
(5th/6th welcome if they are not able to attend the 5th/6th grade class times, see below)
56ers Girls Zoom class with the Linda’s is Tuesdays at 3:30pm
Time: Tuesdays at 3:30pm
Ages: 5th/6th grade girls
56ers Boys Zoom Class is Sundays at 9am
Time: Sundays at 9am
Ages: 5th/6th grade boys
Preschool Zoom coming soon!
For the link to our Zoom classes, please contact Rachel (rachel@millingtonbaptist.org).
To receive weekly updates about our MBC Kids programs, subscribe to our emails below.
Kids | The youngest members of our church family grow in their love and understanding of Jesus, encouraged and supported by their church community. Kids from birth through grade 6 hear the gospel and grow in their relationship with Jesus as Savior and Friend. They learn, play, and create in an environment that reflects God’s love for each of them. MBC Kids partners with families and the community to create roots for the young ones that are anchored in Christ’s love for them.
Sunday Mornings
Annual Events:
Trunk or Treat
Easter Egg Hunt
Summer Adventure (VBS)
Music Camp
Water Day
Our program is intended to encourage Renewal, Growth, Connection & Action within community.
MBC Kids OCTOBER 2020 Programs
SUNDAYS starting October 4
Elementary Zoom* Classes
Time: 9am
Ages: K-4th
(5th/6th grades welcome here if unable to attend the 5th/6th grade class times, see below.)
56ers Boys Zoom* Class
Time: 9am
Ages: 5th/6th grade boys
Outdoor In-Person Kids Program (During 10am Service Only)
- Ages preschool-6th grade (See the link below for more details about preschoolers and kindergarteners.)
- Kids sit with parents for worship and then are dismissed to the program prior to the sermon start.
- Masks are required.
- Max 15 kids. Pre-registration is highly recommended! Register for services and kids program HERE.
- Click HERE for ALL the details about our outdoor program.
56ers Girls Zoom* class with the Lindas
Time: 3:30pm
Ages: 5th/6th grade girls
Stay tuned for Preschool Zoom coming soon!
*To obtain the link to our Zoom classes, please contact Rachel (rachel@millingtonbaptist.org).
To receive weekly updates about our MBC Kids programs, subscribe to our emails below.
9am & 10:45am, Newborn – toddlers up to age 3. Our nursery is located in the lower level of the main church building.
9am & 10:45am, Ages 3-4. Located in the Education building (the building to the left of the main church building, use the door with the ramp).
9am, Kindergarten – 6th graders. Elementary school aged students’ class located in the Education building, (the building to the left of the main church building, use the door with the ramp). Children enjoy Bible stories and activities in a safe and fun atmosphere.
10:45am, Junior Church – Preschool through 4th grade. Elementary age kids attend the worship service with their parents until they are dismissed after the songs. Then they meet the teachers in the Sanctuary foyer and walk over to the Education building to enjoy an interactive Bible lesson and fun activities. Child pick-up is in the Education building.
10:45am, 56ers Pack – 5th & 6th graders, 2nd & 4th Sundays. The 56ers Pack is a special class featuring interactive games, video-based applicable Bible lessons, and…popcorn! Pick-up is in the Education building, or parents may give permission for students to leave this class on their own. On the first, third, and fifth Sundays, students may sit with their parents in the Sanctuary during service.
Kids | The youngest members of our church family grow in their love and understanding of Jesus, encouraged and supported by their church community. Kids from birth through grade 6 hear the gospel and grow in their relationship with Jesus as Savior and Friend. They learn, play, and create in an environment that reflects God’s love for each of them. MBC Kids partners with families and the community to create roots for the young ones that are anchored in Christ’s love for them.
Sunday Mornings: 9:00am & 10:45am
Annual Events:
Trunk or Treat
Easter Egg Hunt
Summer Adventure (VBS)
Music Camp
Water Day
Our program is intended to encourage Renewal, Growth, Connection & Action within community.
Note: Check -in opens at 8:45am.
Nursery: Check in with one of our wonderful nursery workers, located in the nursery. You may check-in for both services if you are planning to stay for both.
Preschool, 9am & 10:45am: Check-in is located in the Education building in the Connection Corner, which is the open room after you walk in using the door with the ramp. One of our friendly check-in volunteers will be glad to assist you. You may check-in for both services if you are planning to stay for both.
Elementary, K-6th, 9am: Check-in is located in the Education building in the Connection Corner, which is the open room after you walk in using the door with the ramp. One of our friendly check-in volunteers will be glad to assist you. You may check in for both services if you are planning to stay for both.
Elementary, K-6th (including the 56ers Pack), 10:45am: Check-in is located in the main church building, in the Sanctuary foyer on the right hand side of the room. One of our friendly check-in volunteers would be glad to assist you.
Summer Sundays begin July 7!
All kids move up to their next grade level.
9am & 10:45am, Newborn – toddlers up to age 3. Our nursery is located in the lower level of the main church building.
9am & 10:45am, Ages 3-4. Located in the lower level of the main church building at 9am and 10:45am.
10:45am, Kindergarten – 4th graders. Elementary school aged students’ class located in the Education building. Go directly at 10:45am.
Kids | The youngest members of our church family grow in their love and understanding of Jesus, encouraged and supported by their church community. Kids from birth through grade 6 hear the gospel and grow in their relationship with Jesus as Savior and Friend. They learn, play, and create in an environment that reflects God’s love for each of them. MBC Kids partners with families and the community to create roots for the young ones that are anchored in Christ’s love for them.
Sunday Mornings: 9:00am & 10:45am
Annual Events:
Trunk or Treat
Easter Egg Hunt
Summer Adventure (VBS)
Music Camp
Water Day
Our program is intended to encourage Renewal, Growth, Connection & Action within community.
Holiday Schedule
Sunday, December 23, 24 & 30
9am & 10:45am: During the holidays, we encourage families to worship together, so we will be offering Nursery only, up to age 3. All other MBC Kids Sunday programs will resume on January 6.

Updates & Connection Opportunities

Be a part of the MBC Kids Team

The Deconstruction of Christianity Adult Education Class

City Relief Packing Party
