The Book of Daniel
When Babylon is home
Have you ever felt like you were out of place in our culture … like you don’t quite fit in? Followers of God throughout the centuries have dealt with this same reality. The prophetic book of Daniel contains narrative History, Prophetic Vision, and Apocalyptic symbolism of our future redemption and hope. Like Daniel, we are also strangers and aliens, living as exiles in a foreign land. How shall we now live in this place that is not our home? In the ancient book of the prophet Daniel we will find the way of wisdom through a bold example of how to stand firm in a culture which is oppositional toward the truth of God. We will not only get a glimpse of our great prophetic hope for the future as the children of God, we will also learn to exemplify godliness and holiness to those around us as our lives can testify to this one prophetic reality – that the Most High God in Heaven … Rules.