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Luke ACT 3, Introducing Jesus At the end of Luke 9, things change. Jesus decides it is time to walk to Jerusalem where he knows he will die. He knows his mission: to seek and save the lost. That means giving everything for the ones he loves. In Luke 10-13, Jesus goes on...
Luke ACT 3, Easter Sunday In a world filled with chaos and confusion, Easter is an oasis of hope. Easter captures our hearts and points us toward the future. The Gospel of Luke spends much of its time leading to the Cross of Jesus Christ. What happens after the cross? Resurrection. On Easter...
Luke ACT 2, Introducing Jesus Babies are born … but then they grow up. They start introducing themselves in public. Luke chapters 3-9 are an introduction to Jesus’ public ministry. Who is Jesus? In these chapters we see Jesus perform miracles, overcome temptation, preach sermons, heal the sick, forgive sin and cast out...
The Gospel of Luke, To Save the World ACT I - 12/3 - 12/24: Advent: Luke 1-2 Christmas is about the birth of Christ. But why did he come to earth? Amidst all the presents and the lights the pressure of the season … we feel lost. The Good news of the Gospel...
Ezra & Nehemiah: 9-17 - 11-19Hope & Disappointment. The books of Ezra and Nehemiah show that God has not forgotten his covenant people even though they had forgotten Him. The people are called to respond with repentance and return to the law in worship of the true and living God. Like them, our...
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