Current Series
A Journey Toward True Revival In a world of division and distraction, discouragement is a natural reaction. The polarization of our culture, and within the church, leaves many wondering—what is God doing? Is there any hope? Will there be a revival? This sermon series will tackle the topic of “revival,” both personally and corporately. It is...
Previous Series
Revelation of Jesus Christ The Revelation of Jesus Christ is an unveiling. It is an unveiling of the true person and work of Christ against the powers of darkness, an unveiling of the Spiritual Realm and an Unveiling of the future and an unveiling of the mysteries of John's visions. We will explore...
Luke ACT 5, Final Week of Jesus The final five chapters of bring us to the end … the final week of Jesus’ first coming. He enters Jersulam, he tells his followers about the end of the world, he has a last meal with them … and then he goes to the cross....
Luke ACT 4, Stories from JesusIn Luke 14-19, Jesus is still walking … but he starts telling more stories. Story is the language of the heart. Jesus uses his stories to teach and meet us where we are. He always points us back to him. Some of Jesus most famous parables are in...
Luke ACT 3, Introducing Jesus At the end of Luke 9, things change. Jesus decides it is time to walk to Jerusalem where he knows he will die. He knows his mission: to seek and save the lost. That means giving everything for the ones he loves. In Luke 10-13, Jesus goes on...
Luke ACT 3, Easter Sunday In a world filled with chaos and confusion, Easter is an oasis of hope. Easter captures our hearts and points us toward the future. The Gospel of Luke spends much of its time leading to the Cross of Jesus Christ. What happens after the cross? Resurrection. On Easter...
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