Staff & Elders
MBC subscribes to the philosophy of shared leadership.
Ministry Directors | Support Staff | Little Footprints Learning Center | Board of Elders
The Pastoral Leadership Team (PLT): MBC subscribes to the philosophy of plurality of leadership. Together, pastors & directors share in the responsibility for leading the day-to-day operations and ministries. Each pastor has specific areas of responsibility and oversight. Together they form a circle of leadership that ensures the mission and policies established by the MBC Elder Board are employed in a way that meets the needs of these areas and recognizes that the spirit of the church is realized when they operate in harmony. This benefits both the pastors and the community.
The Ministry Directors: These spiritually-mature professionals support the church and its leadership by focusing on specific areas of operation. Each of these individuals is guided by the goals of MBC and provides support to the pastoral staff. The biblically-prescribed standards for pastoral leadership give the local church considerable freedom to develop its own model of leadership in order to most effectively reach its community. Various forms, policies and procedures are employed in well governed churches. A church’s history, size, and the stage of development all influence which of the many forms will be the most effective and appropriate for a given organization at a given time.
Meet the MBC Ministry Directors
Bob Erbig
Lead Pastor:
Preaching, Family Life & Mission
Dave Hentschel
Lead Pastor:
Preaching, Spiritual Formation & Care
John Bonaventura
Director of Worship
Johnny Graves
Director of Youth,
Young Adults & Production Ministries
Marc D’Agusto
Director of
Rachel Rickershauser
Co-Director of Children’s Ministries
Lenore Tosi
Co-Director of Children’s Ministries
Amy Huber
Director of Discipleship and Connections
Support Staff
Kristie Gall
Administrative and Financial Manager
Noah Graves
Operations & Ministry Administrator
Tim Youtkus
Production Manager & Office Assistant
Dave Rzewnicki
Facilities Manager
John Bonaventura
Director of Worship
Kamilla Dening
Coordinator of Middle
School Ministries
Noah Graves
Executive Assistant to the Pastoral Leadership Team
Ron Niessen
Audio/Video Support
Dave Rzewnicki
Facilities Manager
Lenore Tosi
MBC Kids Ministry Assistant
Sue Turner
Financial & Donor Relations Manager
Heather Wenzel
Communications & Information Manager
Little Footprints
Learning Center
Kathy Dolbier – Director
Please visit for information
about programming and enrollment.
Elder Board – Email us at
Jeff Callender
Tom DiProspero
Chris Dowden
*Pastor Bob Erbig
Hector Garcell
*Pastor Dave Hentschel
Darren Hernandez (Chair)
Ken Huber (Vice Chair)
John McCarthy (Treasurer)
Harish Radha
Rick Splinter
Andrew Strain
Jan Torgrimsen
Paul Wilford
* Pastoral Leadership Team members are ex-officio, non-voting members of the MBC Elder board.
Sunday service preaching rotation:
Our weekly Sunday service is the heart of our community. Regular shared time together in worship and fellowship unites us in purpose and encourages our shared vision. Dynamic worship and a rotation of teachers stimulates learning while fostering community.
- Pastor Bob Erbig
- Pastor Dave Hentschel