Prophet, Priest, King
Celebrate Advent season with us.
The hope of the Jewish people can be summed up in one word: “Messiah,” which means “The Anointed One.” The saints of old looked for someone who met the criteria given to them in the Hebrew scriptures. Three sacred offices of mediation existed under the Old Covenant: Prophets, Priests and Kings. Kings enforced the rule of God; Prophets delivered the word of God; Priests represented the people of God. Messiah was prophesied to be a combination of these three offices in one person. He would be our Prophet, Priest and King. Messiah would be born a King from the line of David in the town of Bethlehem. Messiah would speak from God as a prophet like Moses. And Messiah would be a priest forever in fulfillment of the plan of redemption for all who believe. Our Advent series will help us reflect on the deep and rich significance of the work of our Lord Jesus as we join our voices with the early believers and exclaim “We have found the Messiah!” (Jn 1:41) This sermon series will encourage you on your faith journey during this Christmas season.
Preaching Schedule:
12/2 Prophecies of the Messiah: Mitch Glaser
12/9 Prophet
12/16 Priest
12/23 King
12/24 Christmas Eve
Previous Sermons in this Series: