Matt & Mali Hunt – in our 30s, married 5 years, 2 kids, Ava,4 years old, & Sam 1 year. Mali’s from Minneapolis, went to Wheaton for undergrad, Bethel University in MN for grad school, and is a PA by training. Matt grew up in Arkansas, but moved to northern VA (DC suburbs) at age 12, went to the University of VA for undergrad and Liberty for grad school, worked a project management job for a few years in Wisconsin (where we met), was an officer in the US Air Force for 6 years (in Germany, CA, & SC) and speaks Arabic. We both came to know Christ as kids, and we said yes to missions in 2019 and became full-time missionaries in 2022.
We currently live in a town called Albertville in the French Alps where we’re French language students at a missionary language school preparing to serve in a French city called Strasbourg, where we’re joining a team that has planted a church in a Muslim-majority area, runs a community center as a venue for refugee ministry, and seeks to train up and send out others to do similar works. We expect to serve with a special focus on the Arabs in the area and with Matt as something like an associate pastor. Our desire is to pour into & train up believers from unreached people groups (Arabs or others), and then to send them out to plant healthy churches amongst their countrymen.