Pastor Bob Erbig delivers his message entitled, "Psalm 46: A Shelter in the Storm," based on Scripture passages from Psalm 46, Psalm 23:4, Isaiah 43:2, and Jeremiah 29:4-7.
Archived Sermon Series, Bob Erbig, Story of Reality 2021
Johnny Graves, Director of Youth, Young Adults & Production Ministries, continues part two of "The Story of Reality" series looking at the worldviews in the film "Voyagers".
Archived Sermon Series, Johnny Graves, Story of Reality 2021
Pastor Dave Hentschel continues the Worldview Series looking at the topic of "MORALITY: What is right and wrong?" based on Scriptural texts: Col 3:9-17; Prov 6:4-5; John 8:31-38.
Archived Sermon Series, Dave Hentschel, Story of Reality 2021
Our pastoral intern, Noah Graves continues the Worldview Series looking at the topic of "MEANING: Why am I here?" based on Philippians 1:21-25 and 3:4-10.
Archived Sermon Series, Guest Speakers, other, Story of Reality 2021