A Study in Ephesians 6:10-20: July 2 – August 6

This is something our world knows very well. Every day we heard about conflict overseas, in the culture of our country, and even in our own homes. Relationships are strained among family, friendships, and co-workers. Harsh words are common on our social media feeds. Here is the truth: we live in a world at war. Our world is fallen, broken and sinful. What is the Christian to do?
This is where SPIRITUAL WARFARE comes in. Our battle is not against flesh and blood … it is spiritual. Too often we make people the enemy when it is the unseen enemy we must fight. The Apostle Paul knew this reality well. With that in mind, he wrote to the Ephesian Christians and exhorted them to STAND FIRM in the invisible war. Over the course of six weeks, we are going to examine this invisible, spiritual war and how to fight it. Paul offers specific tactics and weapons for every Christian. What are these weapons? How do we grow? That is what we will talk about during this series.
7/2 – Series Introduction — “The BELT of Truth” (Eph. 6:10-14a)
7/9 – “The BREASTPLATE of Righteousness” (Eph. 6:14b)
7/16 – “The BOOTS of Peace” (Eph. 6:15)
7/23 – “The SHIELD of FAITH” (Eph. 6:5:16a)
7/30 – “The HELMET of Salvation” (Eph. 6:17a)
8/6 – “The SWORD of the Spirit” (Eph. 6:17b-20)
Recommended companion reading:
- Zondervan Academic Background Article – The Seven Churches of Revelation: Why They Matter and What We Can Learn
- Ada Bible Church did a great series on this.
- John Macarthur “What Jesus Wants Your Church to Know” is in-depth & intense.
Recap of the SWAT Series
Previous Sermons in this Series