Firmly Planted, Growing Together, Made to Multiply in 2023.
Partner with us as we sow seeds of faith, cultivate spiritual growth & bear life-giving fruit within our community.
Planting deep roots in the limitless love of God, 2022.
Partner with us as we sow seeds of faith, cultivate spiritual growth &
Planting deep roots in the limitless love of God, 2022.
Partner with us as we sow seeds of faith, cultivate spiritual growth & bear life-giving fruit within our community.
MBC is thrilled to be a part of the emerging growth of God’s redemption and mission for our church.
We pray that you catch this vision with us to bring His light into this dark area. To that end, we invite you to partner with us and prayerfully consider a special year-end gift. Your contribution will enable us to expand our ministry through both Gospel Demonstration and Gospel Proclamation. In the year 2023, we will accomplish our vision of increased cultural engagement by equipping the MBC body of believers, working with our local and global partners, and continuing campus upgrades.
Serving Him Together, Pastor Dave and Pastor Bob
Vision for 2023
Please ask God to guide your giving and consider making your best possible donation as an investment so we may be firmly planted, growing together, and sharing God’s love to everyone. We envision that your generous contributions for the five initiatives we outline below will deepen our congregation’s love for God, widen our love for each other, and live tall so we may be a beacon of hope to the community here where we are planted.
Please take a look below to see what MBC has in store for 2023.
Your Generosity
We are filled with joy for an incredible 2022 at MBC!
You truly embody the words of the apostle Paul; “For I know your eagerness to help… you were ready to give… For God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Cor 9:2-7). Our church has been able to expand our reach to many new visitors through our large outreach events including the Winter Village (NEW), Hare-Raising Egg Party, Summer Adventure, Trunk or Treat, and we hosted 2 Underground Sessions. Our digital outreach has been expanded through The Underground Sessions Podcast, our YouTube channel MBC Unhindered, and our Twitter presence @MBCNewJersey which often happens in our NEW recording studio with our upgraded Wi-Fi system. Our greatest campus improvements were the Fellowship Hall and the MBC Kids Nursery designed for the enjoyment of our young church family and friends. None of this was possible without your generosity.
Leadership Development
At MBC, we have the heart to help people grow deeper in their relationship with Christ. In 2023, we want to invest in leadership development.
Paid Internships – Summer 2023+
MBC seeks to establish an internship program by attracting and incentivizing high-quality ministry-minded students to serve at MBC during the summer and at other times. This program will include a stipend through the duration of the internship and possibly other living expenses such as housing. Interns will be assigned a mentor and given responsibilities of oversight according to their area of interest. We believe this will multiply the ministry of MBC by raising up godly leaders and sending them out to their destination.
Celebrating Christ
for Spiritual Growth
Cultivating the Christian Life!
MBC started 2022 as a church body cultivating our Christian life in small groups by working through Pastor Dave & Pastor Bob’s Spiritual Formation Workbook. This launched our year of focusing on discipleship and spiritual growth. Our Sermon Series increased our knowledge and application of God’s Word, exploring the book of 1 Corinthians (DeToxicity) series, understanding the Fruit of the Spirit, and examining the life of David. The Radical Mentoring group, the Tactics class, the Faithfully Different Book discussion, and the Women’s If: Fall Break were additional initiatives that drew our people closer to God and each other. Thank you for investing in MBC’s eternal impact and the spiritual growth of our church family.
Missional Compassion
Global Outreach
MBC also has a huge heart for Global Outreach and Jesus’ Great Commission: to see the Gospel go to the ends of the earth.
Our passion is making Jesus known among the nations, and we are seeing communities transformed as groups of people put their faith in Christ alone.
Cambodia Student University Dorm Ministry: We will come along side our ministry partner, Tom Voster and his family, with World Team’s University Dorm Ministry. Our goal is to finance two dormitory “leaders”, male and female, for one year. Check out the video for more information on this mission field.
1. They would assist in the management of the dorm building.
2. Maintaining an overall healthy and spiritual environment.
3. Ministering to and counseling each student in their personal lives.
4. Offering academic advise and encouragement.
5. Assisting in bible study and other related activities.
This effort would fit well with the Young Lives and Ukraine initiatives (below) as they would provide a united effort to minister to young people, especially in an academic setting or influence.
Ukrainian Refugee Relief: The Missions Team initiative is to help out with refugees from Ukraine. Their efforts are mainly focused on refugees in Poland including delivery of food and supplies to the war zone.
Local Compassion:
LyfePact: Delivering Hope and Friendship to teen moms and at-risk youth.
LYFEPACT goes beyond delivering basic household essentials and vital technology options. Every LYFEPACT that we hand-deliver, is more than a box. It comes packed with a promise.
Powered by Young Life, we make a pact to connect each teen mom and at-risk youth with a volunteer mentor who will be serving as the backbone of our delivery and community-based follow-up process.
- Teen moms and at-risk youth in the Tri-State area lack the means for basic essentials for their babies and families. They may also find empty shelves and lack transportation or courage to travel for what they need.
- They also need compassionate support while they are required to shelter in place. Mental health, depression, anxiety, and suicide were already rising before COVID-19 hit, and are not slowing down now.
- A majority of under-resourced Tri-State youth have had a parent pass away or lose their job. Kids are struggling to see their families hold together while meeting basic needs.
Together, we can impact multiple generations and build a bridge of restoration. Your investment will be a legacy written on the hearts of hundreds of thousands of lives to come!f
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Next Generation
MBC Kids Awana Conference for our kid’s leaders.
In our MBC Kids ministry, we want to see kids who are:
- Firmly planted in God’s Word
- Growing together
- Learning who they are in Christ
- Made to multiply
- Living out their faith
As we disciple the next generation for Christ, it’s crucial to support and equip our current committed leaders who are discipling kids on a regular basis. The Child Discipleship Forum, presented by Awana, is a conference grounded in the Gospel and focused on equipping leaders for everyday ministry to kids. We are planning to invest in our MBC Kids leaders by sending a group to this conference in Nashville, for a time of nourishment and growth.
Little Footprints Learning Center.
LFLC exists to nurture a love for learning, prepare children for success, and build relationships with families in our community by sharing God’s truth and love. Through your generosity, our scholarships allow families in need to provide their children with the power of a Christ-centered education.
Mark 16:15
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”
Local Outreach
MBC has a Passion for The Mission both globally AND locally. MBC has a heart for its local community—our neighbors. How do we engage them with the message of grace found in the Gospel? In 2023, we are planning several strategic initiatives that will create space for Gospel conversations, as well as orient believers toward a biblical worldview. In many ways, we are in a battle for ideas and narratives that capture minds and hearts. What can we do?
ALPHA: The “Alpha” Series is a small group-focused initiative, which creates space for believers to invite skeptics to discuss life’s big questions and Christianity’s answers. You can read more about the ministry HERE. We’ll gather on Sunday evenings, eat lots of food and, by God’s grace, see many lives transformed for the glory of God! The group will launch in February 2023.
CONTEND CONFERENCE: On January 27-29th, 2023 we are holding an apologetics conference called, “CONTEND.” Check out the details HERE. This is an extension of the Underground Sessions ministry. Our goal is to become a regional equipper in the areas of worldview, cultural engagement, and evangelism. Our prayer is to have 200+ people attend this conference from all over Northern and Central NJ.
TRAINING INSTITUTE: We believe the church should equip the saints for the world of ministry. As a result, we are developing an 8-week training program on the topic of Biblical Worldview. This opportunity will be available for our young adult interns, as well as anyone else who wants to grow in their knowledge of the Bible and how it applies to everyday life. We are looking to launch this in the summer/fall of 2023.
1st Timothy 6:17-19
“As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.”
Campus Upgrades
Because of the generosity of our church family and friends, MBC is continuing the work of beautifying our campus for future generations of seekers. The gifts that are offered in support of MBC’s physical infrastructure needs are quite literally setting the stage for campus improvement projects over the next five years. Many of these improvements have already been completed. Some are nearing completion, while others are now possible with your support.
Additional spaces for connection:
Outdoor Seating Area and Gathering Space
We’re immediately drawn to certain outdoor seating areas. There’s just something about a well-designed gathering spot, particularly outdoors, that can be so comforting and conducive to fostering connectedness. It can be as simple as a table and chairs under a shady veranda, a lounge overlooking a view with chairs drawn up around a fire pit, or just an open yard. A space like this, designed for the enjoyment of our church family and friends is now being considered. Be inspired as we continue to make our dreams a reality for those who currently call MBC their home, and for all those yet to come. Below are our goals for 2023.
Worship Enhancement:
Significant Audio Visual Upgrades
One of the greatest privileges we have as a congregation is to praise God together in song. Because music is such a powerful vehicle for glorifying God and encouraging one another, our desire is to approach worship through song with deliberate thought and care. Our current sound system is over 20 years old and technology has advanced rapidly during this time. We are excited to be offering a brand new state-of-the-art speaker system that will meet the needs of MBC for years to come and fill the sanctuary with God’s praise.
Please ask God to guide your giving and consider making your best possible donation as an investment with us as we Plant Deep Roots in the Limitless Love of God.
Year End Giving 2023